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  1. Not working bro ,
    the value goes to 229.18 and doesn't change at all
    doesn't increase or decrease

    please reply

  2. Hello. I really like your project. I have some questions. The point indicated by the red arrow is the point where the module is pointed to. OK? And for this system to work, all connected to a computer. Work on a tablet running Android? I appreciate your help.

  3. Hi
    Thanks for the post, I'm looking for the connections of this project but the link you left on your web [wpdm_package id=’2358′] page doesn't open, can you please check it out? or give me more information

  4. Sorry Dejan – I meant to post my comments (below) on your Arduino 3.2" TFT LCD project video but can't cut and paste them from your Compass video – which is also equally excellent!!!Cheers, Ianfrom "Down Under"

  5. Hi Dejan – I have just found your site and have now subscribed to your YouTube channel. You have exceptional abilities for graphics, animation and clearly explaining Arduino projects and "how to" in using the codes! What a great "breath of fresh air" you are – keep up the really great work and Arduino projects. Have you considered doing a Weather station using Arduino, your 3.2" TFT (320×280) LCD and the various required sensors plus the great nRF24L+01or XBee radio transceivers for sending data from outside sensors to inside LCD & laptop??? Would be greatly received all over if you did! I am a semi-retired scientist (analytical chemist, gemmologist, geologist) and am now getting back into the field of micro electronics purely for the love it and sincerely admire your abilities.Cheers, Ian from "Down Under".

  6. HELLO sir it is a nice project but can you give detail video for this project

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