This is a remote controlled flamethrower that can be activated from a very far distance. By using butane as fuel and an ignition source by ordinary RC parts this is both very inexpensive and effective. However, be careful!

Here’s how to make the ignition system:



Butane can be bought at numerous stores, you will definitely find it in any consumer electronic store. You need a steel, brass or copper tube with a outer diameter of 5mm and a inner diameter of 3mm.

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FyMex – Universe

Used cameras:
Sony Alpha a55
GoPro Hero 2
Iphone 5
DJI Phantom 3 Advanced

Video Editing Programs:




  1. If I made 2 of these would it work with the single control or need 2 controllers as well? Awesome video btw!!

  2. Why dont you pussys fucking talk jesus the videos are pointless without words and reasons

  3. If you want to distory very well . Blow patrol first .and blow fire on it.

  4. i dont think you realise how much power you have just helped me aquire

  5. Can anybody give me the full name of butane gas that he has used in his video and also share the link through which I can buy it plzzz

  6. Is there a way I could pay to have two of these?! I have an idea to use these for my mad max style off road crown vic!

  7. Can anyone tell me what that mini electric element is called? (No results when I search for "mini electric element")

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