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  1. We all know the whip story was a media lie. The brainwashed won’t believe the truth

  2. Americans do NOT want "de facto American" turf-anchors to continue to live in this country. They can take their American experience back home and revolt until living there is as free

  3. Gov't and their msm are lying about what is going on in Ukraine as they've lied about all conflicts. They always claim everyone else are warmongers when in fact the dems and rinos push wars with their lies through media. Huge money for them and their favorite corps.

  4. My brother is a retired petroleum engineer who worked for MobilExxon. He has many friends who still work there and he says they are in all out production of oil and have even opened up closed wells. Besides they are a business for profit. The real problem is the war and sanctions on Russia and our government who have cancelled the pipeline.

  5. 4th Reich today continues the Nazi agenda, run by crypto-Nazis, disguised as Globalists, in the WEF, MSM, DNC Klaus,Merkle, Jacinda, Freeland, Trudeau ….. using the stolen billions of WWII, the Nazis had hidden in Switzerland, from Greece alone 126 tons of Gold that was taken by Nazis, never returned to Greece! Just that 126 tons of Gold, what would that be worth today???? All big Nazi companies, still alive, Pfizer, Bayer, BMW, Porsche, Lufthansa, Siemens Deutsche bank,,,, The 4th Reich is embedded deep in the EU project!

  6. Intel agencies have become corrupt! DHS, CIA, FBI should all be dissolved and create 1 new agency with elected officials at the executive, that is governed directly by Congress, United States Security Services , USSS!

  7. You would think with so many crimes, and skeletons in the Biden crime family, you would be happy, and keep out of the limelight, to enjoy your stolen millions! But no, being such an arrogant sociopath, who believes he is above the law, he wanted to run for President, thinking all these crimes would be shielded, with their arrogance and using DOJ and FBI to coverup their crimes and silence reporting, they have exposed themselves and we now all know Biden is a liar, pervert, and cheated on the 2020 election, proving to us, Trump is the legitimate President of USA!

  8. We all agreed before this horrendous administration ever set foot in the White House. When CPUs and microcontrollers get instructions to flip counts during vote time this is what you get: A bumbling, fumbling embarrassment to Americans everywhere. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 🐍

  9. When was the last time the dems actually did work for the people and not for themselves only, I would have to say in my time never and I've been around a little while now

  10. Talk about a Night and Day difference between two Vlogs! Take note DAD…… THIS is how you do it……. NOT YOUR PROPAGANDA and pathetic attempts at" Humor" or whatever the hell you try calling it. People just want the actual FACTS……….. NOT YOUR " SPIN" !!
    Well done

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