FlymoEasilife 200 Lawn Mower – Cuts up to 200 sq m Ultra Quiet Mowing, Bluetooth Application Control.



  1. I see the charging point but could not see the plastic black base, was that included or did u purchase it later?

  2. Flymo is just a trading name of husqvarna, that’s why you see their name everywhere.

  3. 🧸 entry. Thank goodness I don’t have a lawn 😅.. but I’ve always wanted to try out a lawn mower… is that weird? I’m a city girl so idk…

  4. Wonder what the next robot will do hopefully it will cook the dinner!
    Love the videos!

  5. for the djungelskog entry !! also very cool informative video 🙂

  6. what an interesting invention! I am curious however, do you purchase all of the items that you review by yourself? Or do any of the companies send you their products to review?

  7. The thing is with these small devices it just means they had to stick a mini motor or something electric in it so it isn’t guaranteed to do well like a real lawnmower. Other than that it’s a great review

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