“Unionists hail government U-turn over ‘United Kingdom’ to ‘Great Britain’ customs switch” Belfast Telegraph: https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/unionists-hail-government-u-turn-over-united-kingdom-to-great-britain-customs-switch-41447462.html

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  1. Rid the Brexiteers of Two faced Boris and replace him with someone honest and reliable and invoke Article 16 now

  2. I think annexation of a section of the British Ilse with population and forcing them to live under the laws and regulations of belligerent foreign powers would be cause for a declaration of war in normal society ! Boris and Himmler Gove are both cowards and a pair of shithouses or even worse 🙁

  3. Snidey basrds! Changing United Kingdom to Great Britain very subtle would slip past most of us with exception of lawyers

  4. ART'16 WILL NEVER be implemented, its the eu's control feature over the UK !
    Dopy Boris knew this & his fishing betrayal when agreeing his DEAL !!! Compromise IS his usual way forward. Truss is a limpwristed REMOANER & will do whats needed to remain in her favoured eu fiefdom.

  5. Boris Johnson is treason may in trousers all bar in name .
    Once a liar always a liar .


  7. How many more times bojo is a remainer in his head there's no such thing as article 16 bojo has to GO

  8. I assert that Britain, which is also the United Kingdom lawfully left the EU by default on March 29 2019 and here we are, almost three years later with an unlawful and expensive political circus still running.
    I also assert the Northern Ireland is part of the Uniited Kingdom which is also known as Britain and Great Britain. The three names refer to the same four nations which comprise one union together with some small islands which are loyal to it.
    Looking at all that the actions of the government should surely be seen as disloyal and indeed treacherous.

  9. Clearly what we need, and we have needed for some considerable time, is for the House of Lords to be abolished-effectively ridding the people of all the government mates-and replacing it with an elected upper house to hold the commons accountable directly through the people. Then and only then could we demand our expectations be acted upon in a propper democratic manner instead of this gormless archaic circus that stifles effective government. Northern Ireland deserves no less.

  10. Why have all the mps took their letters back voting for boris to be removed,bought off?,how much are we still paying the eu

  11. Disgusting. Only Remoaners can rejoice. Appeasement as usual. Playing with fire. May of course a Remoaner was the originator.

  12. So even Tory MPs are calling Boris a LIAR.
    Perhaps it's time for some of them to jump-ship and join Reform UK?

  13. The rest of the world must be laughing at the gutless excuse for politicians running this country.

  14. Despite being pro-Brexit, pro NI Unionism comment on a pro-Brexit, pro NI Unionism channel, this comment has been deleted at least ten times. It is factually accurate and inoffensive (except for being pro-Brexit and pro-NI-Unionism, which I guess are considered offensive, though they are democratically legitimate positions). It was posted in response to the channel author’s request for comments on the NI protocol and is in line with the implied views of the author, and I believe most of the viewers of this channel. It’s not directed at any individual and nobody has even replied to it. Why not leave comments up so people can reply to them? The presenter of this pro-Brexit video asked for opinions in the comments about whether the UK should leave the protocol. In line with the publicly expressed position of the leaders of every Unionist party, I think so, though I’m not sure my view is going to be allowed to stay on the site because for some reason it keeps getting deleted. Is Youtube against Brexit, NI Unionism, or truthful, inoffensive comments with which it disagrees?

    The main reasonable objection to my view seems to be that a majority in NI may not support the use of Article 16. However, the reality is that polling on the question of the protocol is not straightforward because of the perception that it's the only alternative to a hard border and a return to the troubles. See https://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/opinion/columnists/owen-polley-unconvincing-poll-was-twisted-by-pundits-to-support-the-northern-ireland-protocol-3438618.

    These polls ask whether the protocol is “a good thing on balance” given the options that appear to be presented. According to a QUB poll from last month: Testing The Temperature 4 – I | Participation for Protection (P4P) | Queen's University Belfast (qub.ac.uk) only half (50%) currently see the Protocol as the appropriate means for managing the impact of Brexit on Northern Ireland. Also, “the predominant concern about the Protocol remains its impact on political stability in Northern Ireland.” This is not surprising given that the protocol doesn’t respect the Unionists’ position, and is therefore against the GFA based on the widely accepted interpretation pushed by the Nationalists’, namely that a change in border arrangements is against the GFA. Notably, the GFA doesn’t explicitly mention the border. Moreover, "the economist Esmond Birnie estimates that the Irish Sea border takes £850 million per year out of our economy".

    Furthermore, it is notable that the concessions made by the pro-EU PMs John Major and Tony Blair that are enabling the promotion of the false perception that the protocol is legally necessary were not agreed to by the DUP, or the people of the UK. The people of the ROI were given a referendum on the terms of the GFA, while the people of the UK weren't. And the DUP never agreed to it. Yet somehow it's anathema for a Brit even to mention the possibility of a hard border, or to question the need for the protocol. That's wrong. We're a democracy. And if the EU was interested in upholding the GFA, they would waive the checks or impose them on ROI-EU trade.

  15. Was Boris ever a Brexiter or was he an undercover Remainer?
    Sold out NI
    Sold out our fishing
    Keep us under the EU courts
    Or is the EU giving Boris a brown envelope.
    Just how corrupt is Boris/Carrie as PM?

  16. This comment, which is on a pro-Brexit, pro NI Unionism channel, has been deleted several times today despite being factually accurate and inoffensive (though it is pro-Brexit and pro-NI-Unionism). It was posted in response to the channel author’s request for comments on the NI protocol and is in line with the implied view of the author and many of the viewers of this channel. It’s not directed at any individual and nobody has even replied to it. Why not leave the comments up and let people argue with them? From my experience, some people are afraid to acknowledge facts. For example, the border isn't explicitly mentioned in the Good Friday Agreement, so the concerns of the Unionists that the Irish Sea border breaches the agreement are equally as valid as those of the Nationalists that a hard land border would do so. If the EU was interested in upholding the GFA (which in fact was never supported by the people of the UK or the DUP) they would waive the checks or impose them on ROI-EU trade. Am I wrong? Is Youtube against Brexit, NI Unionism, or truthful, inoffensive comments with which it disagrees?

  17. Just conjecture here, but they (UK Govt.) probably don’t want to trigger Article 16 of the Brexit Provisions with the EU until they have obtained successfully finalized Trade Deals (FTAs) or Accession Plans with India, The CPTPP, Canada & other leading countries for fear that this would result in either blocking or else somehow adversely affecting the UK 🇬🇧 from successfully completing these new trading deals?!! Jacinta Ardern, the NZ Prime Minister had previously hinted a warning on this topic, some time ago during the negotiations for the recently concluded UK-NZ FTA that has been since to date thankfully, all signed & confirmed??!!

  18. If they don't activate article 16 this will be the end of the Conservative I'm sure.

  19. I'm disgusted!! the good people of NI deserve better, they are as British as we are here in England. This will not end well and if the Tories think that we in England are going to vote them in again, dream on.

  20. This comment, which is on a pro-Brexit, pro NI Unionism channel, has been deleted several times today despite being factually accurate and inoffensive (though it is pro-Brexit and pro-NI-Unionism). It was posted in response to the channel author’s request for comments on the NI protocol and is in line with the implied view of the author and many of the viewers of this channel. It’s not directed at any individual and nobody has even replied to it. Why not leave the comments up and let people argue with them? From my experience, some people are afraid to acknowledge facts. For example, the border isn't explicitly mentioned in the Good Friday Agreement, so the concerns of the Unionists that the Irish Sea border breaches the agreement are equally as valid as those of the Nationalists that a hard land border would do so. Am I wrong? Is Youtube against Brexit, NI Unionism, or truthful, inoffensive comments with which it disagrees?

  21. Boris still needs to go he's made a stones of most things . The only thing that will delay it is a world war. Lord Frost is the future.

  22. When Cameron introduced the REFERENDUM it was either IN or OUT. There was no negotiated half way house or exclusion of Northern Ireland. We voted out. That is what we want and we want it now or the Tories can get out and make way for a real BREXIT PARTY. YTHE REFORM PARTY lead by Mr Tice and now Nigel Farage is back. and we are on the march.

  23. We are voting REFORM party. Johnson is a betraying liar. All talk and no do Prime Minister.

  24. This comment, which is on a pro-Brexit channel, has been deleted several times today despite being factually accurate and inoffensive. It’s not directed at any individual and nobody has replied to it. Why not leave the comments up and let people argue with them? From my experience, some people are afraid to acknowledge facts. For example, the border isn't explicitly mentioned in the Good Friday Agreement, so the concerns of the Unionists that the Irish Sea border breaches the agreement are equally as valid as those of the Nationalists that a hard land border would do so. Am I wrong?

  25. Article 16 will never be used while we have the jelly spined PM … total W***er

  26. We need proper people running this country. . Steve Baker and Lord Frost. And as for labour and the Lib Dem party wanting to rejoin the EU.
    Government us a joke

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