This solar powering unit is a time switching battery powered solar charged circuit, used to power an Arduino Uno and some peripherals. The solar powering unit presented here is energy efficient. ​When we talk about Arduino, it consumes lots of energy in displays and other work that are not important. The solar powering unit presented here has a timer which turns on the Arduino in regular intervals. When you have a project like weather station, remote data logger, etc. or applications like this, you do not have to keep your Arduino on all the time. And of course in all this applications, powering is the major issue. If you turn on the Arduino in 1 minute or any interval, it can save a lot energy. This unit is variable i.e. you can decide the time delay! The unit can also power your Arduino when there is no sunlight(at night) as it has a rechargeable battery inside.



1 Comment

  1. Nice. Have you considered taking steps to reduce the Uno's power usage? Cutting out the indicator LEDs will help, and there are several other steps that you can do if needed.

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