Let’s get mowing finally. An Arduino, some MOSFETS, and flyback diodes to drive two brushed DC motors. A first for me!
, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/yYqjWrFvkHg/hqdefault.jpg
Let’s get mowing finally. An Arduino, some MOSFETS, and flyback diodes to drive two brushed DC motors. A first for me!
, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/yYqjWrFvkHg/hqdefault.jpg
Hello swipemagnetron,
I've come across these videos and plan on doing something similar for my Senior Design project. We need to make our device battery powered but still be able to be used while being plugged in and charging (essentially, have pass through charging like a laptop). However, we also need it to produce 40V and around 15A but I cannot find anything that meets these specifications on the market.
So my question is, would it be possible for my team to create something like this but have pass through technology? If so, how would we go about doing it? I've tried finding sources to explain why laptops can do this but all I got was several pages of "Is it bad to use my laptop while it's charging?" pages, lol. Having two 20V packs go to one outlet like you did shoud work for us, but having one big 40V one would be ideal. As long as it has pass through charging.
Thank you for your time!
Looked like some pretty good barbecue action going on. Are you still using this setup? I'm looking into using an 18650 pack (maybe 10s3p) next to the 2 2Ah batteries that came with the mower. If possible it would be nice to keep the original motor controller in place though. There are some pins on the batteries that I measure half the pack voltage on, so maybe that's what the third line is for some reason? Also there seems to be some feedback to the charger about battery temperature, so maybe it could be related to that as well?