Popular cheap one on amazon→ http://amzn.to/2dOJkah
The multimeter I use→ http://amzn.to/2dz9iQK
This is the type of multimeter that you find at Harbor Freight, Walmart, or Target. It’s fine for batteries but not much more.
I included some links so you can check out the prices and see a bit more about them. I would recommend spending at least $50 if you think you will be using it often and doing more than test batteries. The better meters are safer and have resistance when testing batteries (more accurate) also they will be auto-ranging. That means you do not need to turn the dial all the time.

The one I’m using in the video is a Cen-Tech, P35761
The black one you saw is an ESun DT830
battery testing,voltmeter,multimeter,Battery,9 volt,9v,aa,aaa,1.5v,How-to,Voltage Pro,Test Rite,DT830,

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  1. how to check ampere in a battery like 9v alkaline and 1.5v DC AA battery like duracell ultra etc which is localy available to you

  2. Why didn't you demonstrate the battery test on the better multimeter. This video was a waste of time.

  3. Dude these are terrible instructions. You just described how to dumb a multimeter down to low-voltage, DC voltmeter. You are not measuring the potential of those batteries.

  4. I've never used one b4… the wire's were not plugged-in into any of the holes or sockets? I'm using a phone, and can't really see which the positive is plugged-in into or the negative.

  5. Without connecting the meter to anything, the display shows 0.07
    There is something wrong with this multimeter, ask your money back and don't use it for any test.

  6. You test is useless with out any load (a resistor).. useless and youre clueless

  7. This vid is so full of wrong info that you should just delete it.

  8. Decide. Is the yellow meter reading right? No. Why? You need a load on the battery. Then you show the other with the battery tester, which is the right way. BTW, it does not give "true voltage", it goes the current in mA. You're not helping anyone with bad info..

  9. I actually got one of these at Harbor Freight for free, just by buying another item. Works great in a pinch.

  10. Those voltmeters, along with everything else, sold at Harbor Freight all come from Communist China, commonly called the CCP. HF gives them away because they get them FREE from China. Inside of those voltmeters, there is a nano sized listening device where China can listen in to any conversation when it is being used. They screwed up on the one I have because I can hear them on their end. Someone will get fired.

  11. Why not connect ends properly? Showed -8. Something when wrong way and 9. Something when put in right position. Recommend a different video

  12. Those cheap multimeters from Harbor Freight can sometimes be way off, they often give those away, at least they used to, I had one that was so far off on low voltage DC that I spent a lot of time trying to find a problem, and in the end the problem was with the meter.

  13. If it doesn't matter which side you connect for positive and negative, why did it read 8.76 (negative) and 9.18 (positive)???

  14. Video starts with a very important message "DONT USE THIS CRAP MULTIMETER FOR HIGH VOLTAGES" very good video.

  15. Why don't you open the package and show the performance differences you cheap SOB, what are you gonna do now return the tester to Walmart, that's a pretty cheap thing to do, I hope this isn't a monetized video, if it is, you just hit the top of the all-time cheapos! I'm not just being a troll, what I'm saying makes sense, do you make soup videos by running a chicken through the water and returning that too?

  16. why the battery symbol is displaying in multi meter screen. what is the indication.

  17. Batteries have an internal resistance which goes up as the battery dies. Just testing with a voltmeter with no load doesn't tell what the internal resistance is which determines if it is good or bad. I used to use my tongue to test batteries until I heard people have been killed that way.

  18. You shouldn’t assume everyone knows how to test a battery with a multimeter…that’s the whole point of the video – to show ppl how. Do you use VAC VDC setting? I’ll go check a helpful video now.

  19. Thanks for explaining what the 1.5V and 9V BATT settings do. I was wondering what the point of them were when we could just use the DC volt meter in the 2V/20V range.

  20. I don' t understand how the voltage shown on the multimeter display indicate whether a battery is good or not….. can you please explain for a newbie ?

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