If your GT-U7 module isn’t connecting or getting a satellite lock try moving closer to a window. If it’s still not flashing red or blue (or whatever Led color yours has) or is spitting out -10 on the direct analog read. Remember cell phones are only so accurate and clear because they use cell towers and WiFi for location services not satellite. These take about a minute to get a lock if just booted cold, if you leave them on in the background they track all the satellites and won’t take long to find them. Make sure your tX and rX pins are not connected to a set of pins on in the “communication” section of pins. Because for some reason they don’t work which makes no sense but Whatever ig. So under PWM (normal digital pins 2-13) should work for your connection to the gps board.

, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/V_JGH6ueLOs/hqdefault.jpg



  1. Hey thanks for the sharing, my led goes solid but i didnt get any location of the GPS modul. Idk maybe my code didnt running well. It would be helpfull if u can share ur code. Thanks anyway

  2. Which arduino Are you using, i just use The R3 and the module isn't sending anything to the arduino

  3. any idea why im getting a blinking red just like yours but no data? all i see in serial is "GPS START" but nothing coming in? i had this module same as you working several times with no issues but i never knew whats up with the meaning of the patterns if any.

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