This Arduino trainer Kit may be your first experience with the very exciting field of electricity/electronics, robotics & STEM Education. We hope it won’t be your last. As a matter of fact, we hope it stimulates your interest in STEM Education & Robotics as a hobby—and that it may eventually lead you to design your own fascinating and creative products in the future.
In this trainer kit, an Arduino Nano (Controller IC board) and some of the components, actuators and sensors are interfaced to perform basic practice circuits and programming. In order to make maximum use of this kit, connection slots are given with an Arduino board.
Link for instruction manual and sketchs:

List of components onboard:
1. Arduino Nano
2. Ultrasonic Sensor
3. Single Channel Relay
4. One RGB LED
5. One Green LED
6. One Red LED
7. Two Push Buttons
8. One Slide Switch
9. One Potentiometer
10. One Mini BreadBoard
A mini breadboard is also fitted to perform basic electric/electronic circuitry experiments.
List of experiments to be performed on the kit:
1. LED Blinking program
2. Interfacing of switch and switching of LED.
3. Interfacing of a slide switch and switching of LEDs.
4. Interfacing and control of RGB LED and ultrasonic sensor.
5. Interfacing of the potentiometer (Analog) to control LED brightness.
6. Interfacing of single-channel relay and connection of the external device with a relay.
7. Interfacing and control of bulb sensing object distance using an ultrasonic sensor.
8. To display random colours using RGB LED.
9. RGB LED blinking in three colours interfacing slide switch.
10. To display distance sensed by an ultrasonic sensor on the serial monitor panel.

Music Credits
Just Dance by @Patrick Patrikios on YouTube Audio Library
Vishnu by @Patrick Patrikios on YouTube Audio Library

#STEMEducation #ArduinoKit #ArduinoProjects



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