1. Hei , sorry if I'm disturbing you
    I have to do a very similar project for university , more specific the self parking part and I want to ask you if you can help me with more details

  2. كثير حلو

    هل يمكنني الحصول على لائحة المعدات و الكود شكرا

  3. Hello,
    i'm making a University project, and i need to parking a car like yours.
    But i'm having trouble to measure the parking spot.
    Can you help me with this?
    How you measure?

  4. Great Job. i have not ever seen as that. Could you sent the Code if you can. i would appreciated. Thank you

  5. ماشاء الله عليك ممتاز.
    بتحسن تبعتلي شي يفيدني بهالمشروع. عندي نفس المشروع تقريبا بالجامعة. انا طالب معلوماتية بس حاسس حالي ضايع بهالمشروع.
    أنا أحمد طحان كنت جارك جنب جامع الشيخ عمر 😉

  6. i have 8 sensor on my car 4 back and 4 fowoard and i need make a autonomus parking help me pls

  7. لو سمحت هوا ازاي انت عامل بث مباشر من العربية ( ايه نوع الكاميرا )

  8. wow. I'm very impressed by this video. Can you tell me how this works? If you don't mind, can I get your codes?

  9. Hi ! we are making almost the same project as our graduation project ! We need a code that uses Aduino to conduct parking if a parking space is recognized during autonomous driving. Can you possibly give the code?My E-mail is  hyunsung47@naver.com         Help us Plz ! ㅠㅠ

  10. Dear Mr. AbdAlrhman,

    My name is Naief Jobsen. I am a first year Bashealor student in the university of Gothenburg, Sweden.

    I saw your project about the self-driving car that does an autonomous parking.
    I am currently doing a really similar project and I hope you could help me with it.

    I would really appreciate if you could send me the documentation or the code or anything that could potentially help out.

    Best regards
    Naief Jobsen

  11. السلام عليكم
    انا طالب هندسة و شغال نفس المشروع
    بس عندنا مشكلة في الفرامل
    كيف السيارة تقيف ؟؟؟ و ما تصدم سيارة اخرى ( brake ) و يا ريت لو معلومااات اضافية ده رقم الواتس

  12. كتير كتير كتير رائع ويعطيك الف عافية
    فيك لو سمحت ترسلي اي معلومات بتفيدني بهالمشروع الكود و,فكرتك بالاوتو باركين عهالايميل ahmad.syral946@gmail.com
    وانا لسا طالب بهندسة الحواسيب

  13. Hey I am also doing the same project. But I am stuck at auto parking system. The hardware i bought for this features are Sonar Sensor (HC-SR04) and Digital IR Array TCRT 10RC and all others components which is needed to make arduino robot car. Can you help me a little bit with the codes(only auto parking) and with some steps how to complete this feature and whether i need some more hardware or not. Thank you in advance

  14. Hi , i am doing a very similar project , i have one problem though . Cant get the code part that my "car" is searthing for a space to park , it need to measure first empty space "A" space available at "A" isnt enough for car to park so it needs to go forward in to space "B" at the empty space "B" the car measures it and it recognize the space its big enough for it to park .
    Can you help somehow ?

    When i meassure space (0<30cm) that means the car is near walls aka no empty space , as it goes forward it sees empty space so the sensor sees (30cm>) range , at that point untill the sensor sees wall again that distance needs to be measured .

    Its the trick the millis function ?

  15. we are making almost the same project as our graduation project ; i wonder if u r from egypt or cairo and u can help ; please say and contact with me 🙂 ?

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