I show multiple ways to figure out what size motor to use in your project.
Join me as I go live on Youtube on Sunday! There is no fee.
If you want to chip in a few bucks to support these projects, please visit my Patreon page.
My website www.jeremyfielding.com
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Recommended videos for more information on selecting a motor
How to read motor labels
Introduction to motor types and how to use them
How to run a 3 phase motor on single phase
What type of motors should you use for a go kart
How to wire most motors for DIY projects.
Project videos I reference
CNC table saw build
Custom Miter Saw Build
Shopmade Bandsaw
Videos shown in the intro
Homerun hitting machine ( Collaboration with Smarter Every Day)
Homerun machine Collaboration video on my channel
Electric Go Kart video
Other references
YouTube video which covers the more detailed calculation method.
Formulas for Moment of inertia
Technical corrections
Nothing yet.
Technical corrections
Nothing yet
, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/64Ky4mJE7bU/hqdefault.jpg
I changed the plan! I will go live here on Youtube Sunday Oct 18 at 12pm Central Time! Join me and feel free to ask me anything. I look forward to meeting you all then.
Sir you are an awesome resource for a electrical novice like myself and I'd love to ask a few question if I could sometime but I just wanted to thank you I'm collecting motors left and right and playing and learning and starting my first electrical project which is to figure out a motor for my diy fabricated mill (been welding and fabricating since age 14) and ty I'll try to figure out my own issues through your library try to let you know how it went.
The big pulley will give you more torque and less speed, the small pulley will give you more speed but less torque.
As an electrical engineer with specialization in electrical machines, I would say these are the requirements to size a motor for a simple application. Sizing motors for other applications has much more requirements such as height, cooling, operation modes (S1, …, S6), environmental impacts etc. This is fine for some DIY projects.
Man, I love your videos. You are so informative, so clear, and so willing to help. You have to be the best person on YouTube.
This site could easily packaged into a college course.
i love you my good sir. bless your actual soul
100% Excellent!!!
Bloody typical, the Americans have Jeremy Fielding whilst the English have Jeremy Corbyn. There's something very wrong with the world
so bigger isn't better
Question I have a gem faceting matching driven by tapper black rubber cone to a rubber disc on wheel (8inch) grinding ….whish I could draw a picture! I want to know would a belt drive be less noisy than cone drive? Name of machine is an Ultra Tech faceting machine. Thanks
Your too smart for my understanding
Where is a good place to find motors? Looking for 12v 1600ish rpm 1/3 – 1/2 hp. Using a 30lb trolling motor and need alternative as it's overheating.
You have a great teaching voice and a command of engineering it seems. Nice video.
I am still confused and you made my head spin with how much and how easily you present the needed knowledge for sizing a motor…to smooth! I will watch your video another dozen times and maybe get enough info to make me dangerous thank you!
Not the dad subpoena
Whip whip whip your small people
Just found your channel, amazing stuff. I was thinking of trying to make a simulation wheel base for sim racing on PC. It would be a cool project when I learn some stuff about electricity.
can you recommend me a fast-moving ac motor small sized
This was awesome, thanx Jeremy
I enjoyed your video and your enthusiasm for helping people! I’m engineering the hard way I need to know how to size a generator to start an electric motor. Properly
This is an excellent discussion of the problem!
You continue to be one of my favorite YouTube channels. Thanks for what you do!
So helpful in helping me decide what motor i need for my next electric bike build! Thank you.
How about vibration dampening?
Great video man!! Keep it up

so I shouldn't use a 50HP motor for my drone?
This video is really helpful!
I have 3 used motors now after watching your videos.
a DC 1HP motor, an AC 1.5HP and a 1HP motor
Now just wondering what I can do with these things!
Jeremy that's an awesome video. Your kids are truly blessed to have a father like you. Keep up the good work keep educating us thank you.
wtf how then that scoter reaches 120 km h iwth battery and motor so low on spacw in this real planet
In the process of designing and building a vacuum & water pump system for rug cleaning. You're clear explanations of how these complex systems operate is really making the journey enjoyable. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and inspiring people to do great things.
Thanks, fun!
I did NOT see the motivation part coming! Ha! Too funny; being Dad is so fun XD
just saw this video – 11 months late – i blame covid – very nicely done jeremy – well thought out and very well explained – congrats
Clear, informative and down to earth, thank you.
Thank you.
When I was in high school I use to neglect what the teacher says now I feel i was a donkey
Couple of little things,
You said 'safety factor' a lot when really you were talking about 'design factor'. Safety factors are reserved for things that if they fail will cause a hazard to operators or by standards. In your example, the measure being based on the force to overcome static friction is likely enough of a design factor.
Something important that you failed to talk about is stall conditions and methods to protect against them (fuses, circuit breakers, overloads, etc). A motor or any load for that matter needs to be protected.
For things like bandsaws and other machining tools, the power rating is directly rated to the maximum material removal rate. Machinists handbook should have details. For things like go carts you could have related motor power to acceleration for a well known example.
All in all, an excellent introduction to the world of changing electricity into mechanical power, but you left out any mention of safety besides the design factor. Motors are as powerful as they are dangerous and I think you should make a follow up. People are watching for their own projects and don't know what they don't know.
If you would like to discuss I'd be happy to help, I've been working with motors for quite a while in industry and would love to make sure people using them know what they are getting into safely!
Why do all this sciency math stuff. I just trial my projects for days starting with a car motor and working my way down. I finally made the perfect ceiling fan. Now it’s time to put my car back together.
I can't wait for the mindset to change as it did in the model rc industry… smaller lower amp motor and a transmission= better performance and extended range while drawing less amps. Great video keep up the good work