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Today I am going to tell you about batteries running on hydrogen and also about how to make a do-it-yourself oxygen-hydrogen fuel cell. Attention! The experiments in this video were done by professional chemist with all safety precautions. Without a proper knowledge of the safety and basic principles of electrochemistry I don’t recommend you to try this experiment at home.




  1. Can you or anyone prove water is made of hydrogen and oxygen please? People say electrolysis of water is proof but to me the gases originate from the electrodes/electrolyte and not any water!!

  2. It's great pointing out the benefits of hydrogen fuel cells and the energy they can generate yet you never mention anything about the energy that goes into making the hydrogen and the energy that goes into making the fuel cells. Imho, I'd say one is not gaining anything out of it!!! It's a no brainer!!!

  3. Man, talk about a green thumb I've gotten shit like that on my nails and hands before as well, but that was Hcl for concrete etching so it made my fingers and nails yellow for a while..

  4. I’m pretty sure if they made hydrogen batteries they would be astronomically expensive so expensive that quite a few people would not be able to afford one. It would be something nice if they would be but they are dangerous. That’s probably why we don’t see many hydrogen powered vehicles because basically they’d be a mini hydrogen bomb basically right?

  5. Hi! Where did you find the Chloroplatinic acid for such a reasonable price? I can't seem to find one that is available for mere mortals.
    Best regards

  6. Dear Can we buy the HHO Fuel Cell the one you showed you bought from Chinese Seller.

  7. Outdated electrolysis device. A device that is similar but works on a different principle has been proven. Any water can be used but distilled water natural frequency is 42.3khz so with that being said a voltage potential of 70kv pulsed dc current at 100% on and 10% off at microamperes can disassociate water. I think any polar molecules would be the same but nobody will continue the research because the original inventor was poisoned

  8. It took me a while to get enough exposure to his accent to be able to understand. But I absolutely love these videos. Extremely informative.

  9. how were you getting the hho gas to make power? like to power the fan i have a homemade hho gen making around 1.0 lpm

  10. Use baking soda as the catylist to improve efficiency of your electrolitic hho gen w/ platinum as the cathode and anode

  11. VERY HAPPY to see this on youtube… it's about time we put in 200 Nukes to make LOTS of Hydrogen for commuter hydrogen-based fueled cars. Bye Bye Carbon Footprint.

  12. Etrade stock in HDRO and CRSP stock… looking for Helium-3 mining stock too.

  13. Go to Avasva if you'd like to know how to build it. Good solutions for everyone I think

  14. About 10 years ago I worked for a Chevy Dealership. Our Chevy rep brought in a Chevy Equinox that was powered by hydrogen fuel cells. He was explaining that GM was developing generators that were powered by hydrogen fuel. That these generators were the size of a small file cabinet and could power your entire house for pennies. The tech is there and it is safe. Too bad greed will take us to the brink of extinction.

  15. Hey there Thoisoi. I wanted to thank you for taking the time to make your videos in English to teach us awesome and entertaining things about science. I know it isnt your first language and english can be hard to learn, so I really wanted to take the time to thank you. Its not appreciated enough.

  16. You should try palladium squeezing. It apparently holds 900x it's weight in hydrogen.

  17. Pass Hydrogen through perforated Teflon plates, coated with Sulphuric acid, to produce electricity.

  18. This video is so click bait.
    New Title: "How To Make Hydrogen Cell at Home DIY". 🙂

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