How to Build Sausage Grill Machine, BBQ Grill At Home Thanks for watching, Have a great day ! , source 2021-09-28
4:26 esta usando el esmeril al revés . solo gire el esmeril . disco al lado izquierdo y chispas hacia atrás de su cuerpo . así evita un rebote y que se destruirá el disco y que provoque un accidente .
Hey Mate., Where did you bought the small Gears that used? You make a very interesting barbecue Staff … I salute you… Awesome…
May I know where to buy the dynamo and what are the sizes of the metals to remake your brilliant idea?
El asador es fabuloso, pero que piezas se necesitan y dónde se consiguen, , por ejemplo el motor , gracias
didn't that motor got heated, Sir ?
4:26 esta usando el esmeril al revés . solo gire el esmeril . disco al lado izquierdo y chispas hacia atrás de su cuerpo . así evita un rebote y que se destruirá el disco y que provoque un accidente .
Design flaws
how mach this machine cost ?
во класс то же сделал из фанеры размер шестрени 10 см
Hey Mate., Where did you bought the small Gears that used? You make a very interesting barbecue Staff … I salute you… Awesome…
assallammuallaikum, Kak, Alamatnya dimana dan minta nomer WA nya
Now enjoy smoke free grill.
sorry for the naive question, what were you grinding down at 2:40?
I'll pay u to build me one of them
You don't need the fan it will melt
Good job sir.. Please provide names of all materials needed thanks..
Nice art work? can I order?
sir ano po mga material na kailangan para maka gawa ng ganyan sir?
Sir I need this type of grill stove
orang Indo kah?>
boleh nih kalau di pesan !1.
I want to buy and I'm in uk please reply me
I want to buy this motor. What is called or where can I buy it?
Donde lo ubico vende
Very well done.
Man's got them coke nails… ?
Just the right height for children to get burned .
what kind of motor do you use
I need to order one how much and contact number
Welding shoes supplied by Flip Flop Company China.
May I know where to buy the dynamo and what are the sizes of the metals to remake your brilliant idea?
Great job man….
mantap bro
Can i ask if what kind of motor you use to from bbq grills machine?
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kya cost ayi ready karne me kya ap mujhe tayar karke de sakte ho my what's App no 8941011580
El asador es fabuloso, pero que piezas se necesitan y dónde se consiguen, , por ejemplo el motor , gracias
very very nice and clever!