If you’re starting work on your garden and you’re looking for one tool to handle a variety of jobs, then look no further than the STIHL KM 56 RC-E KombiEngine. This lightweight and powerful KombiEngine is designed for a variety of tasks around the garden and is the perfect all-round machine for domestic users.

There are a wide range of KombiTools available which can fit the STIHL KM 56 RC-E, including the popular hedge trimmer, grass trimmer, leaf blower and pole pruner, which we’ll focus on in this video.

First is the FS-KM KombiTool. This turns your STIHL KombiEngine into a brushcutter and is ideal for cutting large areas of grass around the garden and in hard to reach areas. It can also be used to clear grass along paths and under hedges. The STIHL FS-KM KombiTool comes fitted with an AutoCut C 26-2 mowing head as standard which makes refilling the line easier. The FS-KM can also be used with different cutting attachments, including the SuperCut, PolyCut and DuroCut mowing heads.

Next is the STIHL HL-KM 145° KombiTool. Available with a 50 cm or 60 cm bar, this long-reach hedge trimmer attachment is ideal for tackling tough hedges. It can be easily adjusted by 145 degrees so you can set it to the angle you need. Plus, it can be folded up easily for space saving storage. The HL-KM 145° KombiTool has a total length of 148 cm or 158 cm depending on the bar size you choose, but this can be extended using a shaft extension if needed. The HL-KM 145° is only suitable for loop handle KombiEngines.

There’s also the STIHL HT-KM KombiTool. This attachment lets you prune branches in your garden safely and easily. The HT-KM KombiTool has a compact design and has a guide line on the gearhead which helps achieve an accurate cut. The pole pruner attachment comes with a 30 cm bar and comes as standard with a ¼” Picco saw chain, which gives a smooth cut. The STIHL HT-KM has a total length of 126 cm but this can also be extended using the shaft extension.

Another attachment we recommend as one of your essential tools is the STIHL BG-KM KombiTool. This blower attachment lets you clear paths and spaces in your garden from fallen leaves and grass cuttings. The BG-KM KombiTool has a high blowing force of 16 N, making your STIHL KombiEngine a fully-fledged high-performance leaf blower to put the finishing touches on your garden.

Don’t forget that there will be different requirements for Personal Protective Equipment depending on which KombiTool attachment you are using so check the Instruction manual before use.

For more information on STIHL’s range of KombiEngines and KombiTools, visit stihl.co.uk or your nearest STIHL Approved Dealer using the links below:

? STIHL Website: https://www.stihl.co.uk/
? STIHL KombiEngines: https://www.stihl.co.uk/STIHL-Products/KombiSystem-and-MultiSystem/01512/KombiEngines.aspx
? STIHL KombiTools: https://www.stihl.co.uk/STIHL-Products/KombiSystem-and-MultiSystem/01482/KombiTools.aspx

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