Evapo-Rust Rust Remover: https://amzn.to/3w8uCDW
Adam has recently been obsessed with watching restoration videos online, and there’s something used in all of those videos that he absolutely loves: Evapo-Rust rust remover. Adam is a fan of how safe and effective it is to use, and how it can be reused over and over again too. Here’s how it works on two pieces of rusted parts from the Tested studio and around the cave.
Shot by Adam Savage
Music by Jinglepunks
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Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman
Thanks for watching!
#AdamSavage #FavoriteTools #RustRemover
, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/xf3ma1XFt9Y/hqdefault.jpg
Evapo-Rust Rust Remover: https://amzn.to/3w8uCDW
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Bring back Mythbusters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For the heavier rust leave it in longer and it will eventually take all of it off I use it to clean out boat exhaust manifolds I've also found that you can add water and it will remain just as strong and continue to work
You should have used a larger container with more Evapo-Rust on your incredibly rusty spring. If I had to guess I'd say that it exhausted whatever anti-oxidation chemicals there were in that small container.
Also as far as it being "reusable" I wouldn't reuse that stuff from the rusty spring tub. I doubt it'll work at all.
Also also, the product itself might be green and skin-safe, but wear gloves and eye protection anyway. Who knows what's dissolved in it after a few uses?
Evapo-Rust is amazing! I've tried out so many different rust removers (and preventers) since moving to coastal Texas, where the unrelenting humidity has sometimes even started to rust brand-new tools prior to even opening the packaging, and there's nothing I've liked better than Evapo-Rust…it outperforms even those products that burn any unprotected eyes and lungs that dared to venture too close to an open container of them, and yet it's not irritating to handle or be around at all.
If you haven't tried yet, I recommend filling up an ultrasonic parts washer with undiluted Evapo-Rust at a warm, but not too hot (like some others have mentioned, it has a high water content and is prone to evaporation), depending on the heat-sensitivity of the material that you're restoring, I've found that ≈35-50ºC tends to be a good temperature. In my experience, when soaking in an ultrasonic washer, you'll remove the same amount of rust in about 30 minutes to 2 hours as you'd remove in a traditional soak in 24-48 hours, while still leaving the finish unharmed (save for any etching from the rust itself, of course). It takes care of most of the post-soak wiping/brushing for you, too. Within moments of turning the ultrasonic machine on, visible clouds of rust start to rise off the part's surface, which is a satisfying bonus to watch, haha.
Also, if you are okay (or would prefer) with a little bit of surface refinishing, I've found that the Roloc-style bristle discs, along with their rotary tool equivalent for tight areas, are an absolutely incredible for rust removal (as well as polishing, heavy cleaning, and deburring), with minimal removal of the base material, especially on irregular or intricate surfaces that are normally time-consuming to get good coverage of (like the spring in this video). They seem to be more durable that a typical wire brush, while leaving fewer marks on the surface you're restoring. The combination of Evapo-Rust and bristle discs has allowed me to restore and reuse parts that I would never have imagined were worth attempting to salvage before discovering these products.
use concentrated vinegar it works just as well
Paid promotion?
Is this stuff any better than vinegar? I am not impressed with the result of the spring after four days. The barrel had only mild rust.
Wire brush after evaporust
I see absolutely no change in the spring. Taking a wire brush would have better results. It just lossend the crud off it in the crevices. Tap water would of had the same effect for a lot less money.
I first knew about it in bike restoration videos.
Can I put that stuff in a ultrasonic cleaner?
it's on amazon !
White Vinegar does the Exact Same Thing.
Yeah, that stuff is awesome! ?
Best wishes from Germany
For something as bad as that spring giving it a good going over with a wire brush or even a wire wheel where you can get to it first is a good idea. Metal Rescue which you can get at Home Depot etc. works about the same.
Average results
Eh, H3PO4 will do, just don't get any onya. Or inya.
Love the color!
Wranglerstar told me about this stuff. This stuff is a life changer
Seems kinda m'eh to me
Old military ammo cans are great to keep Evaporust in. Make sure that the rubber gasket is still in the lid of the can.
Another option I often use for rust removal (also good to clean brass and copper parts that are corroded or tarnished) is citric acid and hot water. I add a table spoon full or two in a gallon of water in a crock pot. Leaving steel parts in this too long will discolor and pit the metal. But checking your part every five or ten minutes will save you some headaches. I use this mixture a LOT when restoring old Coleman stoves, lanterns and lamps.
a true loyal nerd would list the ingredients. manufacturers are so goddam coy about telling you this stuff, even though their competitors totally know what's in the bottle, and even though there isn't one person in a thousand who would bother brewing their own
Muriatic acid for spring
Bilt Hamber's Deox would have that spring looking like new.
This reminds me of the book "Rust: the Longest War" for anyone who works with metal, it's just a great read.
LOL! Growing up as grease monkey to my dad in his home workshop, I, too, have fallen down the tool restoration video rabbit hole…
Payed advertisement
Cool product but as far as raw rust eating muriatic acid is much better. Would’ve had the spring shiny in 72 hours with no scrubbing
another way is an ultasonic cleaner, using something like "Sea Clean 2" at a temp of around 50 degrees or so, then hit it with a brush afterwards
This episode brought to you by EVAPO-RUST
Love this stuff,works amazing, When turns black no longer works. Fyi
It is OK.
Idk i just use vinegar much cheaper
Love it
Next level is to put Evapo-Rust in an Ultrasonic cleaner.
I'd love to see this stuff used in conjunction with an ultrasonic cleaner!
To anyone who wonder if it works in a barrel of a gun : It does ! Cleaned my sks beautifully. Does not remove pitting but removed all rust.
Coca Cola. Your welcome Drink one as well!!
Oh yeah i'm using this on my k6-3 visor mounts
I wonder if this product and and Ultrasonic Bath would work well together
I just use vinegar. Which is also reusable. And cheap as fuck.
I heard hand tool rescue tucks himself inside a barrel of Evaporust while he sleeps and is 110 years old, also the rumour goes, he pipes "goodbye horses" on loop down to his underground lair while he sleeps
I actually did an old Wilton bench vise that had been left out in the weather for years. It took off the rust but not the Blue Wilton paint. This stuff is awesome.
24hrs is good but for the budget minded with time to spare white vinegar or molasses is the go.
you really should try the heavy rusted part, the Evapo-Rust in an ultra sonic bath
@Adam Savage’s Tested, Wonder if this is safe to use in my small ultrasonic parts cleaner? Would provide the agitation needed to release the rust flakes and exposing the fluid to new rusty surfaces to be dissolved. Could also reduce the soak time needed to get a rust-free piece.
Now to find a container big enough for my mill and enough Amazon points to pay for the barrels of this stuff.