1. great idea but with your permission in the electrical aspect the switches or breaker are elements that would not withstand the water and this would bring breakdowns. and with respect to the motors if we remove the mechanical reducers we would opt for more speed.

  2. Not hating at all but your cavitating and do something to keep engines cool then it’s all day fun. Awesome work man. Sadly my boat has cavitation problems.

  3. Well at least he cleaned up his junk pile into 1 big piece of junk.. it should be alot easier to throw away now

  4. Dont know about the safe switch its a like a circuit breaker switch not water proof

  5. I was hoping for more. In the end, you can swim faster than this thing goes. More power Mr. Sulu! Still a cool prototype, I hope you improve it ??

  6. Add a few hooks on your feet and you're a giant human lure..! Need more speed..!

  7. That thing is awsome?ypu should put screen over those slits by prop so you don't lose a finger then sell them to the military ??

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