Recently picked up this generator which had a car muffler installed. I tested the sound output in decibels with the car exhaust and the stock OEM muffler. Does a car muffler make a generator quieter?

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Generator Model# 030230.00
Engine Model# 204412-0147-E1




  1. Dude, I have been thinking of tossing like a make shift muffler on my pressure washer for the past couple months because my neighbor is an old ass who goes to sleep before the sun goes down and always yells when I pressure wash in the summer. Thanks for the info

  2. There’s a hole in the exhaust lol!!!! Wow!!! What’s the point of even having it in there!!! Lame

  3. I always have to mention on portable generators… NEVER run them indoors. My sister was killed by the carbon monoxide from a genset while visiting an idiot friend of hers, who ran the generator in the garage because people were prowling around outside. The stupid bastard should have been sent to prison for negligent homicide/manslaughter, but his county failed to charge him at all. They did not even make him pay money.

  4. I was thinking the same 2 days ago while working on my generator, no google searches, no speaking in to the phone, no discussion with anyone… and youtube shows me this video….. scary times we're living in.

  5. more backpressure makes engine quitter so use or fabricate a muffler that is small and has restriction and it will be quite

  6. im sorry but decible app??? really???? im sorry but those are not even close to accurate

  7. Dudes a idiot I found so many things wrong here and so did others

  8. There's no way that phone app crap is accurate lol. It registered talking at 60, and that's oretty much what the car muffler was at?

    And the first run, he pull cord had the same reading as the genny running?

  9. Portable gen sets are noisy, period. I built a large she around mine (2005 Troy Bilt 7500 watt peak and B&S engine) with a powerful fan blowing on it, and double walled wood burning chimney pipes attached to welded on pipe to the muffler directing exhaust outside of the shed through a chimney wall plate (carrying a tremendous amount of heat away) . I also have ventilation vent on both ends of the shed. It is hooked up to a properly wired transfer switch inside the house. Quiet enough for me, and is safe. 10 years of power outage service with no issues. I use Amsoil small engine oil too btw. These noisy gens need to be surrounded in an enclosure that is well ventilated. Either that or drop 7K+ on a quite Honda gen set. These muffler hacks will never get the desired results. Sorry.

  10. Love that Most of the video is excessive repair after removing the muffler. But when you did the initial test you used a chunk of wood to block the massive hole.

  11. I really can't understand why he has the muffler exhaust pointing out that a ground when exhaust fumes go up That would have been the first thing I changed then the heat wouldn't start to prolong the life of the generator itself

  12. Thank you for the very un scientific and biased test. That car muffler was working wonders. Could it be better yes with a motorcycle muffler for sure . But it already crushed that stock muffler even with a hole and wood. But thanks for the video now im going to install one on my generator.

  13. The stator is the stationary core/coil inside the motor/generator/alternator.

  14. Make an air box and it will help A LOT. I built an air box for my large compressor and it went from deafening to being able to talk next to it while running.

  15. well the muffler isnt welded to the pipe, and all the actual welds arent done properly. and that gaping hole is letting all the noise out before it even hits the muffler. if it was executed properly it would be pretty quiet.

  16. the hole in the exhaust makes a big difference. That hole, even small means a pressure difference on the wrong end of the muffler which greatly reduces performance. make a nail hone in your cars exhaust and youll see what i mean. any gap is a big gap

  17. Would it be possible to run a generator off an electric motor? Hear me out. Can you compensate for the energy loss by means of gearing? 2 well placed and calculated sprockets. Will there be a point where it generates more electricity than it consumes?
    I'm OBVIOUSLY grasping at straws here, but it would be interesting to see how "efficient" you could make a closed circuit charging the battery whilst the battery is powering a generator and see how long you can get it to run before it runs out of juice

  18. If all the noise radiates from the engine itself and not out through the muffler it shouldn't make a difference right?

  19. Probably put that hole in it when they realized they had no power. Good boat

  20. Fabricate a cover on the muffler about 1/4 or less of its current size. Single cylinder engine runs fine on a bottle cap opening or amazingly the size of the exhaust valve. No engine knowledge in this video!

  21. Who would think a Muffler off a car would quiet a gas engine. Next test….. muffler on a Electrical Motor.

  22. i dont trust this guy, might as well being my grandmother explaining engine shit to me

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