Friends, my name is Sergey! I am the author of the channel HandiCrafts.
On this channel I present everything that I have done with my own hands.
Creative ideas, useful tips !
We turn simple things into unique ones! Subscribe, it will be interesting! #craft #wood #diy
Channels like this make pointless videos. Spend all there time drawing in as many people as possible to make ad revenue. If anyone worked like this no one would hire them. Anyhow I'm off to plug some holes I drilled with underpants because I used a 4mm drill bit for a 3mm screw.
Need to fix any hole ? Epoxy .
Absolutely brilliant!! Ha Ha
This person needs to show how to Cook chicken noodle soup from Campbell’s out of a can I hope he doesn’t burn it with the matches that he left in those screws nice job there buddy
Ok we get it u can poke things in holes
Wow, how absolutely useless!
I'm sure you can do it too. Just look for Woodglut plans.
Hello bodgit and scarper ltd , how may I help ?
I use Woodglut plans for all my joinery. Google and try it out.
I made it too few weeks ago. Want to know how ? just look for Woodglut.
I started with Woodglut plans.
You'll find all the inspiration you need on Woodglut.
You can use Stodoys and plans. The best plans and very detailed instructions. You can learn a lot from them and do it yourself.
Just add gunpowder friction and wood. Instant Darwin award.
Just google Stodoys and make some dust.
hilarious…., drill a long nail into wood…?????
Thanks for showing us 5 tricks not to do.
There is something for everyone on Woodprix website.
Quelle connerie il commence la vidéo le morceau de bois n’est pas percé aucunes raison que l’équerre ne tienne pas
You can use Woodprix and plans. The best plans and very detailed instructions. You can learn a lot from them and do it yourself.
Full help with projects on the Woodprix website.
Go to Woodprix if you want to know how to make it easier. This is a good solution for every woodworker.
not interesting
Come for the tips stay for the musak ?
Mucho espectáculo y nada nuevo bajo el Sol.
Mother of sweet god you are some numpty, it's wasters and clueless cowboys like you who makes proper tradesmens lives awkward….get out on a site lad and learn before you go spreading your idiocy on YouTube!!!…the mind boggles!
Emeğinize, bilginize, birikiminize ve yüreğinize sağlık…
The music started and I thought I was watching a different video all together! Who remembers vhs tapes in the 80’s?! Anyone? I’ll see myself out.
After reading some of the comments I rewatched the video and still can see the guy splitting wood anywhere on the video! He did drill a hole through a board with a spike nail but didn't split it anywhere I could see.
Why not just use the plastic insert the one that's used in concrete instead of putting in plastic strips and wood.
Number one, wrong type of screw.
Using the drill chuck to remove a damaged screw is interesting. Will give it a try. Vice-grips are a pain.
Your rubbish mate leave it to us tradesmen
You are truly a genius! You’d never get voted off the island!!
Definitely rocket science this guy
it's cool! thank for sharing
Use spax stuff this is shit and have no dinnorm
Was zeigst du da für ein Scheiß????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?