All these years Ive been learning how to make battery packs and with every iteration I build a better 18650 Lithium ion battery pack every time.
This, is my safest battery pack to date. I have shared with you my experience and knowledge of building 18650 battery packs from over the years.
Hope you enjoy it.
Nickel Strips:
Fishpaper Orings
Build your Spotwelder here:
Here’s Lee’s channel:
How much for a pack
awesome vid man
i was expecting the important step: checking the capacity of each cell. but i assumed he uses brand new ones
Good points. I'm glad that I'm mastering the spot welding art on NiCd batteries first. Lithiums are no joke.
Thank you!
Of course the Biggest danger… the One Wheel itself?
Maybe that’s what happened to building seven ! Bad batteries ?
Danger! Danger! Everywhere! LOL You keep your silly ideas I do what I want. OK? OK!
Excellent demonstration and good advise! We were wondering, How to prevent battery pack fire spark, while cutting the cable that was originally installed with it ? We have used a steel scissor to cut and got a fire spark !
0:03 the start video taken from The Slow Mo Guys Videos.??
Lithium batteries are reliable and safe, as long as they are put together professionally. Of course as you pointed out, if random people are putting them together themselves, it can result in mistakes and things like shorts and batteries overheating and essentially exploding.
gonna gonna gonna gonna
Use ceramic blade instead of exacto knife
Yup. My first experience with li-ions did result in explosion. I had no clue on the power they possess.
wood has 4 times the energy density of TNT. so is my kitchen table even more dangerous than li ion ?
So now terrorist can use lithium ion battery to success ??
So dam sloppy… Come on man your on camera. Start over and make everything clean. Really , and the glue stick? It looks like my 4yo made it! Were you on meth when you made the video, You sound sober. But the video does not lie….. What a MESS like a trashcan fire
I still don't understand a single thing lol. I want to make an electric scooter or something, but this step is what's my main concern. I just can't wrap my head around how to actually make a battery pack, plus I don't have a spot welder lol.
I burned my hand after removing lithium ionbatteries from laptop battery pack. Very powerful
Finally an attentive person who informs about all the risks of these batteries and suggests ways to avoid them
Good boy!
That last tab bro 7:45 , if your going to have it hang the positive over the negative housing please put fish paper over the edge.
I have over 200 18650 cells and a spot welder and still havent created a battery where to buy the bms shrink wrap and the nixkel strips
Great advice. I didn’t think about that either. Thank you for sharing.
Where can I get that heat shrink?
Is there such a thing as a voltage cut-off switch that can cut off the power to the li ion battery charger when you hit a specific battery pack voltage? Thanks Tom
Thanks to you and Lee Wright for the info on making a better battery pack. Gained alot of insight on this.
Did you check the quality of the battery? Generic Chinese battery routinely have 15% of listed capacity
Well done sir, great info here. I'm curious what you think about this guys spotelder, is it possible to get good welds? He seems to use it well
I am currently working on a 14s 12p pack for my ebike using a very unconventional method. I'm 3d printing two halves to hold the cells between and each half has leaf-spring terminals that contact the battery negating the need for welding. It's turning out to be quite the monstrosity.
Man….as a licensed HAM radio operator, I have put together several radio go boxes, with 12v battery. Im so interested in building out my own setup like this, but really need some solid advice and guidance. Ive got a civil engineering background, so I tend to be analytical and fairly OCD about my projects. Say that to say that I do believe in doing things clean and safe. Any advice on size, type of batteries, bms etc.?
Thanks for your input
what a great learning experience! wonderful video, subscribed
Your better off just using 12v 12amr lead ashed batteries that are rechargeable that's what I use never had a bad problem yet Amen
How big of a spot welder should I get
Fungineering reminds me of that one time we did shrooms in our residence in first year Eng. Good times!
What welding machine do you use? (link?) . I wish to make a few battery packs a month, not industrial scale. Which welding machine would you recommend?
Wtf is fish paper
What would be the effect if my nickel strips are not thick enough? Would they just get very hot? Or would also the voltage drop? I have a 4S2P pack with SONY Murata VTC6, which should be able do deliver 30A*2 continuously, but I have a fast voltage on only 15-20A.
Thank you, I have been thinking about building a battery pack. Very helpful
I really appreciate the time you put into making this video. However you're previous battery pack was just fine for a prosumer DIY setup. Lets be honest here, there is no reason that vibration, or any other form of harsh impact by the one wheel would cause any of those series cells to ever come in contact with one another. In addition, lets say that the heat shrink around each battery did somehow tear, you had so much glue insolating them that there would be NO way for them to ever tough. In addition, if you're using high quality cells, if they did have to vent, they would simply vent not explode, which can be dangerous, however not explosion dangerous. Lastly my biggest concern is your spot welding device and method of soldering. The tip you're using is too small on the soldering iron and the spot welder applies too much heat because it is manual. Quality lithium ion cells are not as dangerous as people claim. Only the super crappy Chinese knock off cells are super dangerous. Another tip I would give you is to connect every cell together in the configuration you're looking for before you begin to weld or solder anything. Make the entire finished pack. Fish paper and all. Then begin spot welding and soldering.
Fish paper? What is that even
Very informative video, but I think it's best to go over everything first as far as a parts list or equivalency list. Ensure that the viewers are well aware that they can literally burn their house down quite easily playing with a lot of batteries; especially if they have the IQ of a toaster.
Best way to store a bunch of 18650s is to place them in a box wrapped internally with aluminum foil, then put in a bunch of steel wool, then throw all the batteries in, then shake violently and set it down in a room that's used to store gasoline. That ensures that the batteries are forced into submission and won't fight back; if they hiss at you, yell at them putting your face as close to them as possible to display dominance… they'll get back in line.
hy , if i have cell's from 1700 to 2300 mah can I use them all in one power pack ,( 120 cell's )? or I should use only 2000-2300 cell's in one small pack ( 50 cell' ) thanks
You should never use new cells with used cells
What about Thermal control ??
I'd use cell holders they make buildings packs alot easier and there cheap
Is this safe?? For self made scooter for example.