Thanks to the incredible efforts of Index dev Gonçalo, we have a controller for the Pick and Place that not only fixes all my silly mistakes from the last version, but has been developed along with the community, taking advice and guidance from y’all along the way.
Check Gonçalo out here!:
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Stephen Hawes
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Hey gang! Thanks for all the feedback on the last video about the staging plate! Lots of excellent points, I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.
I totally understand that the test I ran is not providing incredibly accurate data: potential bow in the extrusion, 3D printed part tolerance, overconstraining the plate and subjecting it to warping, etc. We received actual FAI data from the vendor that serves the purpose of true data gathering. We've also found that 0.8mm is easily within the bounds of what's acceptable for this plate, given that PnP nozzles have compliance in the Z axis due to a built-in spring (but of course, the flatter the better!). I attempted to preface the data gathering with a disclaimer that this is a gut-check, a functional test, for checking the nozzle's relation to the plate in the machine, not proper metrology. I don't think I did a great job conveying this, but I'll be sure to be much more accurate and explicit in the future!
However, y'all provided quite a few other ideas about how to solve this same problem easier/cheaper that we're exploring now! Some aluminum extrusion with a thin piece of steel mounted across for those interested in magnetic mounting, or plywood for those not, would be an excellent solve, and quite a bit cheaper.
As always, thanks for your thoughts and feedback!
Nice shirt though!..
I sincerely enjoy watching the progress of this project.
Most breakout boards you buy these days have qwiic connector for I2C. Like all sparkfun and adafruit new boards has it. I feel like it's a must have too for anything considered to have flexibility…
So going to print the parts and try this out. Half way tempted to use my fancy closed loop stepers on it.
Congrats on this huge milestone!
Also really diggin' the glasses.
Cool project! It’s true that ADC in Marlin is relatively infrequent, with reading at around 500Hz in a round robin, so the more analog sensors you have the longer the delay between each one being read. Maybe that can be improved, especially on MCUs that do concurrent ADC (if there is such a thing). I look forward to seeing how this project develops, and feel free to nag me (thinkyhead) on the Marlin Discord of you have questions or suggestions on how Marlin can better support your goals. We’ve had RS485 on the TODO list for a while too, so it will be great to finally get that implemented and tested.
Hey Stephen, any chance you recorded your interview/chat with the guy who made he board?
Would love to see that video
Bokachodar ball tui akta ???
A bit of topic: Idk what changed, the beard? The glasses? But you look very handsome!
The board looks really great!
One small comment for the silk screen that I noticed in the video, was the naming of the bottom camera.
For me, Bot Cam sounds like it might be on the gantry. Btm Cam might be clearer name wise for which camera it's referring to. Although I guess it shouldn't be hard to figure out if you are assembling an Index ?
I kinda cringed at the soldering job, but very nice video! keep it up!
OpenSource hardware for the win. Just allow manufacturers build batches of your work so people can buy ready to use boards and you're set. When you see boards like the the
FYSETC SPIDER, it's designed by the community then buyable from various shops and it's crazy featured packed. Mad props to Gonçalo for this one !
Serious Question, I am going to buy a TVM802 (secondhand at a really low price). I know the vision system will have to be replaced (up and down cameras) but was wondering if your motherboard would be universal enough to use as a replacement for older machine and bring it over to OpenPNP.
Finally , I was waiting this video for weeks
Is there a video somewhere how he lays out this PCB in KiCAD ?
at this point we should ask them to just rename RS485 to RS45 🙂 Awesome board!
Hmm, the people who make home pcb making machines would be good at making pcbs?
Congratulations guys its is awesome! I think that Gonçalo is a Brazilian because of his accent…:-)