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I’ve had many of you ask me how I went about building the full size R2-D2 remote control system.

I will walk you through what I have built so far and how I expect to expand on it in the future.  Most of the R2-D2 remote control systems are based on model airplane controls and those are fine, but they’re unintelligent systems. Meaning they just send a command to servo in analog format and nothing else.

I wanted an intelligent system that I could interface with through many different methods. So I’ve based my control system on the Raspberry Pi and Arduino platforms using the I2C bus to control everything.

Read more at my website:

Full Size R2-D2 Remote Control (Raspberry Pi)

Parts list for building my R2-D2:

Full Size R2-D2 Parts List

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  1. Hello Mike ! I have a question for you….I see in the video you have green and yellow cable from SDA(green cable) going to the dome. Can you confirm this to me pls ?

  2. This is interesting. I'm thinking of doing something similar with my Dalek build. Rather than I2C, I was thinking of using a differential bus like CAN or RS485. I would be worried about the slipring and motors introducing noise onto the bus, especially with it being directly driven by the Raspberry Pi's output ports. Likewise I would probably add a checksum to the end of any message strings for the same reasons. Have you had any reliability issues with this setup?

  3. Any idea when the code will be released? I'm trying to decide between i2c and serial for my project but I can't figure out how to send strings instead of bytes over i2c.

  4. Keeping my eye on this project, really hope there will be an update on this. Not sure if you posted it on the forums already, I'm a bit inactive over there haha.

  5. Perhaps I'm missing something. But my desire – and it hasn't changed for 30 yes- is to have ANY bot/Droid in my household be Autonomous.
    After all. If we control it, its really just a remote controlled shell.
    The toy that is the most 'realistic' is the r2d2 I own as a toy.
    However, I haven't see this from a DIY.
    Why is that?

  6. Why not an AI engine. A ton of sensors. Make a autonomous R2D2 . All R2D2 home built from the 70's till today are RC toys. My Rumba Vacuum is smarter. Just saying.

  7. Hi I know your more then likely be extremely busy but could you spare a little bit of time to help me with which Arduino parts will work. I've spent a year looking and asking but with no success. I'm not building a r2d2 project I'm building a different robot that moves talks and lights up so I believe it would be very similar to your r2d2. Thank you

  8. Is anyone developing a basic AI for it, to move on its own, basic responses to speech or hand gestures. I've seen one video of an AI for R2 waking up and that's it

  9. Also what other Motors would u use? There a bit out my way for the price on the motors your use

  10. How would u set it up just using 1 arduino mega? Im starting a build my aelf for R2-D2 but not as many servos just the body would have more

  11. Wauu, what a project. Keep up the good work. Funny about Your brother, saw him visiting You in his video. The 8-Bit Guy

  12. @TheGeekPub at this point in the build how much would you ball park the running cost of your R2?

  13. Why can’t we put a decent size Raspberry Pi Cluster inside of one and tie in some Machine Learning?

  14. Awesome idea… I was already thinking about doing something simmilar.

  15. Very nice work! Motivating me to get more done with mine. I am planning on using an UDOO X86 running ROS to control mine. I want mine to be autonomous also and use the new Intel D435i for SLAM.

  16. I’m going to print myself an r2d2 on my 550*550*650 printer, I would love to follow along with your build

  17. I am using RPi & Arduino as well. Running JavaScript framework Johnny-Five. Very interested in the route you are going as well!

  18. What is your plan to have a failsafe for the drive motors when Linux inevitably hangs on the PI while the droid is in motion?

  19. @thegeekpub Man, we need to talk. I have had something just like what your doing rolling in my head for 3 years. I have R2's frame and dome built, now it on to skins and flaps. I have been collecting things like the PS2 wireless controller, arduinos, motors from electric scooters, and lens from desktop projectors. I just don't have experience with the coding for Pi and arduino. Can't wait until you go open source. I've been a member of the Astromech club for a long time. My user name is Wingspread

  20. C3po coming next, haa …imagine how much that could cost.

  21. Love it, and thx for all the work you do!

    Ive put mine on the backburner just becuse of the software side of it and im not that good on it.. i build stuff and works with CNC so thats my nisch ?

  22. Very cool.. I like your thinking on the programing and control setups for your build.

  23. I am in the early build stages of my droid and I am looking for a control system. I am excited by what your developing. Looking to try it when you release.

  24. Did you ever look at EZRobot controllers. There is a lot of power and interface capabilities. Arduino controls, Raspberry Pi, Latte Panda and other controls will interface easily. The Synthiam robot diy forum really is helpful. Check it out.

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