Brad teaches you how to Safely & Easily kill ALL of the WHY’s (Wasps, Hornets, Yellow Jackets) & Ants that are buggin’ you. Not just individuals, but their entire colonies.
This is totally safe around Honeybees as Brad will show you & the best part is you’ll kill WHY’s for a huge radius around your home, cabin or kick back property.
“Boric Acid” is a natural insecticide, mixed light allows the insects time to take it back & feed their colony.
In 5-14 days they’ll all die where they hide.

If you mix it heavy two things can happen
1. None of the insects will eat it as it is bitter & acidy.
2. If they do eat it, it will kill them in seconds & they won’t make it back to feed the colony.
Killing the colony is important as they have brood (larva) that will become adults in just days & you’ll be infested again.

I use this throughout the summer when ever I notice WHY’s flying around poaching from bees or what ever I’m eating or drinking. I use it in the spring just as the snow is melting when the temps are above 40 in the day & in the fall August through October.
In the spring (for us, Feb or Mar), the only hornets & wasps flying are new queens who are searching for a food supply to build their own kingdom, so killing them in early spring for me, wipes out most if not all of the potential colonies that WOULD HAVE BEEN. Consequently we don’t see many, if any at all most of the summer.
Toward fall we’ll begin seeing them again as they have migrated into our area, or if food is scarce & they’re just foraging hard. We have honeybees so they are constantly trying to rob the bees. Bees pay no attention to this, so they’re safe & the WHY’s are gonners.

While I’ve never seen anyones kids just go up and drink out of an unkwn container, we do not have little children & DO NOT ALLOW ANY children around the apiaries, so we use soda pop cans & other recycled containers. USE YOUR BRAINS & COMMON SENSE…Do not leave this in ANY container where children could get it. It may be dangerous if ingested but moreover-It will have stinging insects using it & they can be VERY protective of their food source.

Boric Acid/Borax is deadly to ANY insect in any quantity ingested.
The trick is getting them to eat it!

NOTE: Boric acid has been used for human medicinal purposes for 100’s of years. Use good judgement.

Sweet fruit juice or any flavor of sugar laden drink or soda pop.
Dilute juice at least half & half with water.
You can also use 1c sugar to 6-8c water. (1:8 is soda pop)
If you have honeybees around you should use 1:4 up to 8 to make it to weak for honeybees. Honeybees do not take fruit juices & soda pop.
Found at supermarkets & hardware stores as roach killer, Make sure the label ingredients are only: “Boric Acid”
Borax is a laundry powder & found at any supermarket.

Juice or sugary liquid as described above.
-1-3tsp Boric Acid or Borax per 1/2 gallon of liquid.
-Mix well (you may need to use a blender)
-Put in containers like old juice bottles or as stated, we use old pop cans, & put them out of the reach of dogs & kids (they like sweet drinks).
Put a stick in the can so the WHY’s can climb out & take the drink back to their colony, you don’t want them to drown in the liquid or it defeats your “kill the colony” goal.
At this very low dosage of ba WHY’s will not notice the acidic flavor & will return time & time again to feed their colonies & in short order, eventually kill every one of the insects that have eaten it, including the larva.

Fermenting stuff; Tuna &/or fruit in a little vinegar, and even beer.

Ants like Sugar Water best & they really like it at 1 part sugar to 2 parts water.
I use empty, unwashed cat food or tuna fish cans. The left over meat is an attractant & the sugar water seals the deal.
Put the cans where animals & children can not access them.
Put them out of the sun & wind as it will dehydrate the sugar water & it will become thick & honey like & the bitter taste of the poison will be more prevalent & the ants may not take it.

Dry Powder
You can use this where you don’t want to put liquid but it must be kept dry.
Mix 1/4 tsp – 1/4c Boric Acid or Borax in about 1c of powdered sugar & sprinkle this sugar dust where ants travel. If you use Borax you will need to grind it into a fine powder before adding it to the sugar.
It may take 5-14 days to kill their colony. You’ll notice fewer & fewer ants visiting the area until none will come back because the colony is sick, dying or dead.

1c sugar
2c water
1/4 tsp Boric Acid or Borax
Bring water & sugar to boil.
Add Boric Acid/Borax
Feed from containers that ants can access without drowning.
Refill daily.

This is what “I do”, it’s up to you to ALWAYS use your own research & more importantly…common sense.
I welcome your comments, BUT if you decide to post, be nice & post an educated, intelligent statement.
I will delete any rude, mean, frivolous or irrelevant posts.




  1. Although I think ridding wasp nests around the house is a good idea, let's not go overboard where we risk decimating a needed natural animal for our life and Earth cycles. Bees are a needed animal on this planet. So be discriminating. Thank you for this info.

  2. You're suppose to kill bee's. If enough of the bees population died on earth humans will be next.
    bees are what pollinate the planet and keeps people alive. its how the earth thrives. Scientists say that Bees pollinate 3/4 of the world which keeps the world running.
    We may lose all the plants life that bees pollinate, all of the animals that eat those plants and so on up the food chain. Which means a world without . Our supermarkets would have half the amount of fruit and vegetables.If you have a bees nest, please call a professional to come get them. Most of the time, they will do it completely free. Though most people tip them for their gratitude. I am Native American Indian and my ancestors have been going to Washington constantly for decades about this and trying to inform the people about how important bees are to this world & life. This includes the survival of human beings on this planet.

  3. Unless the wasp and other stingers are close to my door. I leave them alone. They kill spiders . They are pollinators. Ants that are to close to my house. I pour boiling water. That is instant kill.

  4. Must be a regional thing. Never heard someone call a yellow jacket a hornet. I've heard them called wasps which is irritating as well. I guess it's all what you grew up calling them.

  5. Don't you like to eat?? As much as you hate them. Those wasps, hornets, yellow jackets. eat the aphids and other plant devouring insects. The same thing goes for the people who want "perfect lawns" and use products that kill good insects. Gone are the lady bugs, cicadas, butterflies, crickets, and other insects that feed small animals > that feed bigger animals.. Are you going to tell your children what a great job you did silencing nature for them?

  6. Can I use cup instead of pop cans? Thanks for the video, charming

  7. I tried an bowl of apple juice w couple drops of dawn (no acid) and they were not interested. I added a couple pieces of cooked sausage and the same, nothing. Added another bowl sugar water with watermelon and couple drops of dawn and got one yellow jacket. Maybe it's my placement which is just 2 feet from where they enter a soffit at the base of my garage? I'm in Westchester, NY. Thanks.

  8. Hi Cougar, can I substitute sodium bisulfite instead of the boric acid?

  9. Hi. I need a dry recipe for ants. Your recipe says 1/4 tsp-1/4 c boric acid ? That's a bit unclear to me. That's a wide range. Please help me with this. Thank you.

  10. I tried it with Coca Cola and the yellow jackets here in the Sierra mountains are not interested AT ALL. I did just what you told me. One tablespoon of boric acid powder and mixed it into the cola. Poured into aluminum cans and put a stick in. ABSOLUTELY NOT ONE SINGLE YELLOW JACKET HAS SHOW UP ALL DAY. they have no interst whatsoever.
    Too bad because I used this on ants years ago in Paradise Ca where I was burnt out of and it worked!!

  11. I know my wife wants all the hornets gone too. But, hornets eat spiders, in fact as far as I can tell that is all they eat. So if you kill the hornets you may be setting yourself up for something worse.

  12. Thank you so much, they are getting into my house and I don't know how but it's in the kitchen area. I have been using the horrible toxic spray indoors but learned that it is very harmful for my children and pets to breathe. It costs so much for a pest control company just to come out and help me. Every time I kill one two more come, so I dont know thanks, and God bless!

  13. My husband's boss was killed by a hornet a few years back. He had a soda that he left either on his truck or in his truck with the windows cracked. (Heard both versions from my husband's co-workers)
    When he came back to take a drink it nailed him & nobody saw it happen. Just found him dead by his truck & never even suspected that's what happened because he didn't have a bee allergy.

  14. Still on the learning curve. I must have my ratio screwed up. I used 2 teaspoons boric acid in a 1 gal 50/50 mixture of water and apple juice. No Takers. I thought of using straight apple juice, but your advice that it would attract honey bees gave me pause. I'm in the Sierra Foothills near Auburn, CA. We've just had a run of 100+ degree weather, but I doubt that would affect yellow jackets hunting habits. Please advise.

  15. i'm about to go crazy with these ants… they love pop cans so i'm gonna make some of this and give it a try

  16. Do you know if it would help with bumblebees? I don't like to kill them usually but they built a nest right by our porch.

  17. [1] Need more volume.
    [2] Need less jittering.
    [3] Get to the point in less than ten minutes.

  18. Very interesting and useful post Sir. Thank you very much. Can you please tell me where do you get those yellow inserts you put on the soda bottle you show in the beginning of the video? Is it a very common thing that you can find in any hardware store? I have never seen it or if I did I had no idea what was its purpose.
    Once again thank you for your very useful post.

  19. Any idea what I can do against leaf cutter ants? They kill my young fruit trees by stripping them again and again.

  20. We had a wasps’ nest (hornet to you, apparently) in our loft space over the house (attic?), wrapped their paper nest around an expel air duct in the roof space. We had the critters coming out through gaps in the walls into our bathroom, and then just the new queens. I was feeling soft on killing things so we’d catch them against the window pain, and release a few miles away. Now I know I’m daft!

  21. How are you so chill with a fucking hornet flying around you? LOL. I wear an entire bee keeper suit to hunt down 2 maybe 3 wasps at most.

  22. I cant get the bees to go to the apple juice? I set the cans out and they ignoring them. any ideas?

  23. Wow!! I'm really glad that you're not using any serious "POISON"…which could kill many other animals!!!….

  24. Thanks for the great advice! Friendly suggestions: set-up a camera on a tripod for steady shots of you talking instead of using a selfie stick which moves constantly from a shaky hand. It was hard for me to watch because it made me a bit dizzy. I couldn't focus on your words. Also, consider getting a Go-Pro mini camera & attach it to your hat. That way you have your hands free & the camera sees what you see & focus on. These two friendly suggestions will improve your videos & increase your subs.
    God bless you and all you do! Thanks again for sharing your great advice!

  25. Please tell me how to get rid of feral cats!!! They are destroying my flower beds and killing my birds

  26. Thanks. Now I know how to get rid of that hornet in my bedroom.

  27. Have anything for the black mud-dawbers ?

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