Quick fix for the pressure washer you loaned to your neighbor last autumn. As an added bonus, the hose is buggered. But let’s not be petty.
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  1. 4-2-1 The wanker is a 3. I bet you could not be payed enough to want to work on one of those bastards aye?

  2. Pump saver folks. Use it.
    Especially in the cheap axial pumps.

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  4. Hey Ave if you want to know how to never ever again have to repair your pressure washer pump or motor check me out. Not full of it! So there you are… you are invited. THANKS Bro.

  5. We can send a man to the moon but can't make a hose fitting that doesn't leak. That's some real deep shit.

  6. Have the same pressure washer and it was giving me shit today. So I jammed the throttle open all the way and sent it to 10,000 rippems. After that it works mint now. Damn Honda's.

  7. joys of lending tools – Oh I noticed it was fuckin' out – thought I'd finish what I need of it & give you back a totally fucked machine.

  8. If Honda ever actually made one of these it would be a monster. Expensive but man would it kill everything out there.

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