Quick update showcasing GPS yaw (heading) using ArduRover 4.1.0-dev firmware (downloaded mid-July 2020 from ArduPilot). Prior to this, the magnetometer based compass values provided wildly inaccurate results at times, likely due to interference from the rotating engine, ignition, and mower blades.
Using a combination of three uBlox ZED-F9P GPS boards from ArduSimple (SimpleRTK2B), in a fixed base/moving base/rover configuration, the flight controller can calculate heading based on positional comparison of the mower’s antennas, mounted about 30″ apart.
Flight controller is a ProfiCNC/Hex Cube Orange on a Pixhawk 2.1 carrier board.
Parameters of interest:
GPS2_TYPE = 18
GPS_RATE_MS2 = 100
GPS_POS1_Y = -0.366
GPS_POS2_Y: 0.366
SERIAL1_PROTOCOL = 2 (MAVLink 2 telemetry)
, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/NjaIKyrInpg/hqdefault.jpg
You freaking genius.
come on man. Stop demanding respect and show others you use ArduRover Skid Steering with the Pixhawk
show them the steps or else I will show everyone how to do it
Yuri: what are you using to control your trans-axles,Linear Actuators? or servos?
to avoid trees / people or objects in general, did you put a sonar sensor on the pixhawk's ADC channel or use another method?
Is using three identical gps very important? Or can I use 2 uBlox ZED-F9P boards from ArduSimple and one hello2 gps?
Great work! thanks for sharing.
I have been spending a lot of time thinking about this recently. Family has a few farms that take a while to mow the grass. I can make a basic push mower into an RC mower, but haven’t done anything with GPS yet. This is pretty much exactly what I had in mind. Greatly looking forward to seeing more videos and making one myself soon after my other project is complete!
Simply fantastic. Does the job.
Version Firmware rover??
Please make a tutorial video sir
I was wondering if you have tried only moving base/rover configuration with 2 F9P's without any stationary base ?
How does it compare to setup shown in video ?
Awesome Yuri ,Are you using "skid steer" to control the servo's?
Does somebody knows if you can inject rtk corrections to the two gps inside the mower?
Fantastic! Works much better than mine does.
Glad to have found this. I have a pair of the uBlox ZED-F9P GPS boards from SparkFun, and I'd like to interface them to my Cube Orange as well to get yaw. Can you describe the physical connections between the moving base and rover units and the Cube — i.e., which connectors/ports? I'm not using a fixed base, because I don't need RTK position.
How did you configure ardupilot to use skid steering with two servos? It seems to want to drive motors and not servos for steering and throttle. Any pointers? I'm pulling my hair out and can't seem to get it configured.
Do you have a fail safe button other than RC
Hi Yuri
We have got a project to build something like your mower. We need to make a small quad GPS controlled for a field survey (towing an antenna). Can I contact you to ask a couple of question?
just fantastic!
This looks exciting are you planning to code at the end of any waypoints
This is super impressive! Any safety interlocks? Some sort of obstacle avoidance?
How far apart are your GPS antennas? Ready to attach mine and give it a test :-)/
Yuri. That's really fantastic. You've shown that it's finally possible to create a very accurate autonomous lawnmower. Can you tell me how you set up the communuications between the Rover, Moving Base, and Base. Did you use an Xbee mesh network? I've been looking into that.
Congratulations, brilliant and well done. Very exciting. I am using a Here+ RTK (M8P's) on my rover at the moment. Would it be possible to add an ardusimple F9P as a moving base or would 2 F9P's be better? Does using GPS yaw remove the need for compass calibration?
Yuri!! You have really outdone me! I am so impressed with your work. Your mower is tracking as straight as I have ever seen. And it is so good to see the moving base configuration operating. Have you, by any chance, compared how well your mower operates with and without the moving base? I have felt that having a heading that was rock solid and not subject to magnetic interference would make pivot turns much better, but really haven't felt that the tracking between waypoints would be helped much by it. You seem to indicate that it is helping. I would love to hear more. This is so awesome. Wow….
Hello Yuri. I've been talking to Kenny and am looking to build a similar setup for my Gravely, but am new to drone building. Would you be willing to contact me? supershale at g mail dot com
I have a similar setup on a zero turn mower with a Pixhawk1 and have faced the same challenges you talk about with regard to magnetic compass issues and yaw, thanks for sharing your params, will try them out and you've motivated me to upgrade to Rover 4.1! Can you say more about what GPS's I should get? Is the third one doing RTK from the base station? Would love to chat and compare setups. Will also submit a YT video if I get something reasonable!
This is great! Did you set the way points manually?
Really well done! I think this is the first example that I've seen of GPS-for-Yaw being used on an ArduPilot Rover. https://ardupilot.org/rover/docs/common-gps-for-yaw.html
You sir are my hero. I can't wait to do something like this one day… once I've got the land, money, & time!
Hello! Really cool I love seeing any of this module being used. Curious there seems to be a perfect offset between purple and yellow lines at 3:09, is that kind of like the whole theory versus practise concept playing out? How big is that offset and are there any issues with it?
Cheers for the vid and reading my questions 😀