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Charging your smartphone while camping outside is not always easy. I am showing you how to charge your phone by using a car battery and a moped battery. You can also use the gadget with any kind of 6V-24V power source.




  1. But we can charge new fast charging mobail using power bank circuit at output of 5v of voltage regulator,
    In order to get 9v, or more for fast charging support.
    But input watt and output watt is not mach.
    Can you make it.

  2. I want to use a small rechargeable 6v battery I pulled from a kids power wheel toy to charge my phone, I have a 12v solar panel that connects perfectly to the 6V rechargeable battery.
    Wouldn't the phone charger have all the circuit protection built in, like just put alligator clips from the battery to the prongs on the charger? If someone could help me with this I would really appreciate.

  3. No wonder why hooking my cigarette phone charger for the car directly to a 12v car Battery with jumpers didnt work. I nearly started a fire and smoked the

  4. always love in depth videos! appreciate the knowledge and effort that were put in the making of this video ?

  5. l was wondering what will happen if we don't use the coil and the schottky diode ? Because when l'm using them my output amp is getting too low around 80mA.And as a second is this safe ?

  6. This is a great tool for off grid living… just get two of your car batteries… use one inside the home, one in the vehicle, swap out the fully charged battery from your vehicle when the house car battery loses some power…clever invention!

  7. How is this something you can just "do" if you're out and about?? Ahh yes, my phone is dead… let my just solder up this new circuit…. smh

  8. War sonst noch jemand überrascht hier eine Simson zu sehen?

  9. Hi dear GreatScott, is the difference between regulated and unregulated voltage the 'regulation'? and why can we power an arduino with USB cable since it needs between 7 and 12V. Thank's for all;).

  10. Hallo, ich bin ein großer Fan von deinen Videos. Zur zeit beschäftige ich mich mit (Bleiakkus) oder auch Autobatterien und im Netz findet man ja viel zur Regeneration dieser "sulfatierter Batterien" mir ist immer noch nicht klar, ob es funktioniert und wie es funktioniert. Auch gibt´s da so selbst gebastelte Ventilator Bedini Impulsladegeräte, die auf die Batterie eine viel höhere Spannung feuern, sodass angeblich die Sulfatschicht entfernt wird und die Autobatterie (Akku) wieder an Kapazität zunimmt. Würde mich sehr freuen wenn es dazu mal ein Video gäbe, ist auf jeden Fall ne spannende Sache ob man das tatsächlich machen kann oder ob das Fake ist. Es gibt ja auch Impulsladegeräte wie das CTEK MX5 dass anscheinend desulphatisieren kann. Viele Grüße

  11. I would rather go inside my car and charge it there. Takes 8 seconds! Enjoy ?

  12. How can I learn this circuit design?
    Pls Suggest any book.
    Specially which gives information about, which components should be used and how they they should be connected?

  13. I just git a 12v female end the i plug in a 12v usb car lighter plug it is i can do it in 1 mint lol it ezer then his

  14. how long does this kind of charging system last…..i.e. after how much time will the car battery discharge?

  15. You said it was simple to do this. I'm a mechanical engineer, this is NOT simple

  16. Hai great greatscott i have questions
    how can charge a 12v lead acid battery like car etc

  17. How many times can u charge your phone from dead to fully charged from one fully charged marine battery?

  18. To all those telling us to buy a cigarette charger thing: No
    That's no fun.
    The fun part is making it.

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