improved steering and response by replacing servo controlled joy stick with dedicated dc motor driver (sabertooth 2×25)

removed 2 lead-acid 12v batteries and replaced with Dewalt 20V Max 5.0Ah Li-ion battery to eliminate battery maintenance and significantly reduce vehicle weight. ~40min run time per 5.0Ah battery.

marine grade 12 slot fuse box with automotive grade ATC mini fuses, 2 slots used leaving 10 free slots for future upgrades and attachments such as edge trimmers, blowers, rakes, live camera, etc…

raised top frame height to allow wider mower cutting height adjust range

reinforced rear caster wheels

cleaned up power electronics layout and wiring harness

removed 4 passive plastic mower wheels to squeeze cutter into tighter space

replaced chains with mounting height adjustable mounting brackets

need to install offroad tires for improved tracktion, notice how hard it is to make it go straight without one wheel slipping?

This electric mower is an order of magnitude quieter than any gas mower. You can cut grass at night…

This is the last time I use these DC motors for robotic applications, I found hub motors are much cheaper. Can install 4 of them for less than the price of 1 of currently used DC motors, this would also allow 4WD.

note: need to verify thermals, under heavy loading motor current draws are reaching past 10A, wire harness temperatures might exceed desirable limits on a hot day.

also noticed in older videos the increased speed seem to help motion remain in a straighter line, will need to verify by increasing speed limits.

S1: Rudder
left = 1.560ms
mid = 1.620ms
right = 1.68ms
S2: Elevator
forward = 1.720ms
neutral = 1.560ms
reverse = 1.420ms
Mower_servo_toggle_power switch
off = 1.620ms
on = 1.020ms


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