1. Digital pin 11, 12 dan 13 utk apa ya?
    Dan pin mode( 3, INPUT) Input dr pulser kah?

  2. hello in your code like "if ((micros () – newmicros)> 500000L)" then what is "L"? tkss

  3. Halo saudara, bisakah Anda memberi tahu saya, komponen yang Anda gunakan dan programnya?

  4. Let me guess the pick up response of the engine is slow because the time opening of the injector is fix I try this project before now I'm on the developing

  5. Mas bro, saya sudah baca code.
    Apa input signal ker arduino?
    Fuel pump regulate by arduino ker?

  6. passions help to open your files, I just can’t help, please transfer to other formats, really want to repeat your project or tell me how to open them thanks

  7. You have a connection circuit? I have the same engine and a old throttle body with a maf tps for that. You have a lambda in the exhaust? It's interstenting proyect

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