This company has created an incredible autonomous robot that roams around your yard picking up all of the dog poop it finds. It connects to the cloud to help process the images, and once it finds and detects a dog poop pile, it’ll lower down a mechanical claw to scoop it up. It’s called the Beetl, and it’s battery powered, will auto-recharge on its base when it’s running low, and uses a tandem camera to create boundaries in your yard.

Check out more information on the dog pooper-scooper robot here:





  1. What about folks who actually have a lawn filled with grass instead of clover? Can this little thing still find the forbidden Easter Eggs?

  2. What about soft poop, how does it catch those mostly liquid turds?
    Sincerely asking.

  3. So if I take a shit in your yard would it clean up my shit from your yard?

  4. OK so once it picks the poop in the car how do u get it out of the car? Show what comes after it picks it up and the bottom must be pooped up without a bag on it

  5. Can you make one that chases my dogs around & gives them a flogging for barking at 200am

  6. That small dog takes BIG sh!ts ?. Rich lazy people would buy this, I know because if I was rich I would.

  7. Will it handle my 1,2kg turd left on the lawn accidentally ?

  8. it need to self clean/charge and drop sand on runny poo

  9. I love how it picks up small dog poop. I have a German Shepherd and I would bet it can't pick up one of her piles. You never showed what the robot does with the poop. What happens if you have long grass? Does it work in yards that are not very even? How about rain? Or snow? How much does it cost? How long does the battery last before needing charging again?

  10. Is it smart enough to detect the poop around it as well, not just in front of it? Because with those tires big treads if it runs over the poop im not cleaning it up, I'm throwing it out

  11. Only gonna be any good if it actually disposes of the poop waste of time and money if it only picks up one poop at a time and you have to dispose of the poop and clean the robot every time it performs. surely much faster to just have a quick walk around and pick up any poop yourself.

  12. Is there anyway you can make the a tad bigger? We got 5 dogs and horses . I guess trying to empty itself in a corner of the pasture would work great for me lol

  13. Great if your dog shits Plasticine, lets see it pick up my dogs shit when she's eaten from the bin and done one of those mucus slime poos.

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