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Homemade 90 degree gearbox made out of car rear axle and differential. It is going to be used on a homemade front mount ATV mower. #angle #gearbox #lada #VAZ #homemade #DIY #DonnDIY #eestiyoutuber




  1. This is nothing new. one of the amusement park rides here in Sacramento uses that same drive to spin a kids ride. it was made somewhere in the 50s

  2. And here I thought that 1 to 1 lawnmower engine/blade RPM was as fast as you would wish to go.
    You're going to multiply the blade RPM by 3 to 4 times? That might be like 10,000 to 12,000 RPM if you use a standard 3600 RPM Briggs or something similar.

  3. I was looking for a way to put a second rear end into a dodge van, by basicly using your 90 degree effect, I could use 4 rearends to create this effect

  4. I have one like that. I can spin a project and paint all sides at the same time.

  5. Leave the wheels on it and the whole axle intact. Turn the
    Pinion shaft down, attach a mower blade to the Pinion flange then add a trailer hitch and tongue to it. Pull it behind a ATV, Side X Side, tractor or truck. When the tires turn the blade will spin.

    You just have to adjust the height by tire size.

  6. ฃฃภฃฃฃฃฃฃฃฃฃฃฃฃฃฃๅฃฃฃฃภฃฃฃๅฃฃฃฃๅฃฃฃฃฃฃฃฃฃๅฃฃฃฃฃฃฃฃภๅฃฃฃฃฃฃฃฃฃฃฃฃฃฃฃๅฃภฃฃถภฃฃถภภภภภฃฃฃฃุฃฃภฃภภภภฃภภภภตภฃๅภภภภภภภฃๅๅภฃฃภภภๅฃภภฃฃภภฃภถภฃถฃฃฃภภฃภภภฃภภถๅภภภภฃภฃภภภภภๅภภภฃภฃภถภภภฃภถภฃฃภฃฃๅภภฃๅๅภภภุภภถภภภภภภภภภภภภภภภ. ฝ aด.ผ ฟ ผ g
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