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Homemade 90 degree gearbox made out of car rear axle and differential. It is going to be used on a homemade front mount ATV mower. #angle #gearbox #lada #VAZ #homemade #DIY #DonnDIY #eestiyoutuber
This is nothing new. one of the amusement park rides here in Sacramento uses that same drive to spin a kids ride. it was made somewhere in the 50s
And here I thought that 1 to 1 lawnmower engine/blade RPM was as fast as you would wish to go.
You're going to multiply the blade RPM by 3 to 4 times? That might be like 10,000 to 12,000 RPM if you use a standard 3600 RPM Briggs or something similar.
Good job mate!
I was looking for a way to put a second rear end into a dodge van, by basicly using your 90 degree effect, I could use 4 rearends to create this effect
Very good.
what kind of weld do you use? 7018?
I have one like that. I can spin a project and paint all sides at the same time.
Не понял по ихнему ниче а так сойдёт
I could think of many things to use an old axle for.
Leave the wheels on it and the whole axle intact. Turn the
Pinion shaft down, attach a mower blade to the Pinion flange then add a trailer hitch and tongue to it. Pull it behind a ATV, Side X Side, tractor or truck. When the tires turn the blade will spin.
You just have to adjust the height by tire size.
Мост от жигулей
Мне просто интересно, где он взял жигулевскии мост ?
thanx a lot lot lot bro
Na und__ A o to jako má být
Many post-hole augers have been built in this way.
They truly last forever.
Great job!
Freehand spline shaft! Well done!,
Привет,лайк ? и подписка, заходите в гости.
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Супер!!! Молодец!!!
К16 20)
0 фспззз
Como se llamaria eso estoy necesitando algo asi
Great video thank you
Nice video
What do you say that is a 2:1 reduction?