Rob Kapek here for the Robot World News Network (RWNN), to bring to you the latest updates on RobotShop headquarters that has been taken under siege earlier this week by a community of robot lawn mowers.

Earlier this week, RobotShop employees were taken hostage by robot lawn mowers stocked sometime the previous week. There is no notification of the robot mowers motivations and authorities have not yet received any demands from the robot lawn mowers.

RobotShop employees have attempted to handle the mowers by cutting the buildings power supply, but the electrically powered lawn mowers, both small and big have managed to recharge from a power generator. A reliable source informs us that the mutiny was started by BigMow, a commercial robot lawn mower designed for large properties of up to 5 acres. BigMow may have persuaded ParcMow, a commercial mower, and BallPicker, a golf ball picking robot, to join forces and sway Lawnbott Spyder LB1200 perimeter free robot mower, SmartMow and other domestic robot lawn mowers to embark on the journey.

RobotShop management, pressured by the Spyder LB1200, made an executive decision to set up a promotion catering to RobotShop customers who purchase a Lawnbott robot lawn mower before May 10th of 2009. Simply put, these customers will be instantly entered to win the retail value of a Spyder LB1200 robot mower. This proposal has reconciled the parties for some time, but there is no way to know how long the peace will remain.

For the time being Lawnbott LB models, Robomow models, BigMow, ParcMow, BallPicker, SmartMow and other robot mowers maintain control of RobotShops headquarters. Stay tuned for more information about the siege situation at RobotShop.

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