1. Do you need a RTK station? That kind of robot would be great to mow the grass of a complex field πŸ™‚

  2. Hi Patrick, can you please share the pin connection diagram and app code with us? Thanks!

  3. Impressive. This is exactly what I am trying to build on a larger scale. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Hello, can you please provide the link for buying the components used in building this robot. It will help a lot!

    Thanks in advance

  5. Hello, can you please provide the link for buying the components used in building this robot. It will help a lot!
    Thanks in advance

  6. Hi, Patrick! Great video about GPS Robot. I have a lot to learn from it. I have a question – once I installed all the libraries and tried to compile code you shared, it right away report error that Serial2 is not defined in line — Serial2.begin(9600); //gps –.
    I believe once I will solve this it will give me error on Serial1. How to solve it? Do I need to use Serial Software library and define serial software? I am not using Arduino Mega, but Arduino Nano.. Thanks for help!

  7. Hi Patrick, good project to work on, where can I download the phone app? Thanks!

  8. Hi, Is it possible that in the Github you've not included the encoder library? I'm getting an error and can't find anything similar in the arduino libraries.

  9. that is a really smooth functioning bot. very nice work. maximum 10 way points in the goal array ? what if you wanted to do 100 or 500. is the goal array a CSV?

  10. Very good project! Where did you buy the compass (HMC5883L) module? I bought one of AliExpress and I found out that its a fake one and its not working.

  11. How much longer it can travel? I mean can it travel 80kms long from owner's location?

  12. Hi cool project wondering if you can set a certain way point and then save it and make a Second one

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