1. Good job and thanks for links.

    How to connect 2 axes to control 2 wheels and be able to turn?

  2. I am also trying to understand niklas fouath git and instructions and I have been reading and researching like you did. So let me understand to do what you are showing here you basically just flashed the hoverboard.hex firmware file to the hoverboard controller right? And then you used these 2 potentiometers with Arduino to control the motion forward back and turn left and right but how ? Last question the hoverboard.hex firmware file allows you to control the motors in the way you do by default or you had to modify and recompile it?

  3. Wow u just opened my eyes i eas going to do it all from scratch with expensive VESCs as i want to build a rover robot. This git is amazing. Thank u.

  4. Need more info.. What board are you using ? Can I do this with arduino ? or do I need something else. Thank you

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