The TRX-42-PRO is designed to mow 40-50 degree slopes without turf damage or causing erosion from only being able to mow up and down the slope typical with wheel driven slope mowers. The key is the 9″ track system using a wide area footprint to weight ratio instead of narrow tracks or knobbys to dig into the soil.
In addition to out performing the competition, the TRX-42-PRO shares parts with popular zero turn mowers making parts availability local in most cases no need to order from overseas. This also makes service and maintenance a breeze. If you can change the belt on a lawn mower, you can service one of these machines.
So not only does all this add up to increased productivity with little to no down time, the TRX-42-PRO is priced well below all other commercial slope mowers on the market. Why pay over $50,000 for a foreign machine you can’t get parts for that causes erosion from only being able to go up and down steep hills?

The TRX-42-PRO is the world’s most practical solution to slope mowing in a day-in day-out commercial application. Hands down.


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