— Agriculture is one of the most important and oldest forms of occupation in India. Most of the sectors in India are coming to an age of digitization and automation, but agricultural sectors of India lags behind in the same. The present farming methods are manual or semi-automatic with huge labor requirements. In recent years, the number of labor availability is reducing continuously along with increase in demand for wages. There is a requirement of higher productivity; hence we have built a robot which will help the farmers to overcome the stated problem. The robot performs drilling, seed sowing and sprinkling and works on solar energy which makes it environment friendly and reduces the pollution. The robot works on Arduino UNO and SG90 servo motors. The robot is controlled by a web-portal and an android application. DHT11 Temperature and Humidity sensor, SR04 Obstacle Detection Sensor, Soil Moisture Sensor provides the weather information. A wireless AV camera is attached to get the live updates. It is designed to minimize the labor of farmers to increase the speed and accuracy of the work. This innovative idea will automatically reduce the human efforts up to much extent.
This is a multidisciplinary project done by Automobile, Information Technology & EXTC departments.
The video includes detailed parts of the Agribot.




  1. Brother i have to built a project like yours individually Pls provides all the details to my mail It will be a great help for me thanks.

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