1. I'm planing to do a project using a Mq3 sensor connented to de Aurdino board with a led screen… Using a 24v battery and a 24v motor.. Will it work…. My project is based on Alcohol detection based ignition system

  2. I am currently planning to make a horse riding prototype and the speed is controlled via Arduino, a friend told me to use 12v wiper motor and monster moto driver, I think 12v wiper motor is not enough to carry too much weight since my estimated load is up to 450 pounds, so I have to make another option and luckily I found Sabertooth 2×60 and wheelchair motor.

    What do you guys think about this duo?

  3. All this hardware chat is OK but means nothing without the code, where`s the code please? ? ?

  4. Just rig up a pot from the example to change the delay(potValue).

  5. Thank you so mich for this video! I'm making a project that needs something very similar to this and this proved it was possible and that it wont instantly blow up in my face. Thanks again!

  6. Did the 24v battery through the jst connector to the arduino not fry the board?

  7. That's a bunch. this is exactly what I wanted to know about the uno and wheelchair motors. now my goal with arduino is to make a monstrosity of an rc car.

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