This week @adafruit we’re 3D printing cases for floppy drives. Prototyping an etch-a-sketch inspired drawing handheld using 2.4in TFT FeatherWing and CircuitPython. The timelapse this week is a print-in-place articulated fish printed in MatterHackers Quantum PLA filament. Radical! 2.4in TFT FeatherWing Feather M4 Quantum Filament Matterhackers – Reading

If you want to have a look at those special videos become a member and join by clicking this link Don’t forget that you can buy my books and materials for your own experiments including our conductive inks at – and for the many who have asked, yes,Continue Reading

Notes document is available here: ( Join here for the chat all week: The CircuitPython Weekly happens normally at 2pm ET/11am PT on Mondays. Check the #circuitpython-dev channel on Discord for notices of change in time and links to past meetings. Meeting times are also available in iCal formatContinue Reading

MODULE 8/8, VIDEO 1/3 This course, ARDUINO-BASED ROBOTICS, introduces an Arduino-based robotic platform as a method for teaching STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The course is designed for pre- and in-service teachers, and is also appropriate for youth leaders, coaches or parents who are interested in integrating robotics andContinue Reading