First tests of a DIY 4 WD lawn mower. The battery and controller box are temporarily attached to the mower with bungee cords. This is the first journey toward autonomous lawn mower. Below are links to find the programming and parts. Download Arduino programs: Download STL files for joystick:Continue Reading

Learn the basics of controlling objects with your Smartphone through Bluetooth! You can find the code and parts used in this video at the link below: Control An RC Car With A Smartphone Special thanks to Tolik777 for providing the code and the Android app: Arduino Bluetooth Basics: HelpContinue Reading

This is a semi-autonomous robot controlled via Bluetooth. It has a compass HMC5883L magnetometer to maintain direction. An HC-06 Bluetooth module for connecting to an Android device. A Ublox 6M GPS module for location sensing. Two wheelchair motors, and a Sabertooth motor control board. The app was written using MITContinue Reading