# ArduinoNano_SabertoothDriver Arduino Nano and Sabertooth driver version 2 GitHub: https://github.com/Fabiolus2020/ArduinoNano_SabertoothDriver_ServoLibrary_1Joystick_2Motors main repository library of all my sketeches https://github.com/Fabiolus2020?tab=repositories Project#5 using xervo library 1 x Arduino Nano 2 x led 2 resistor 1kOhms 1 x joystick 1 x sabertooth 2×25 version 2.0 2 x dc geared motor Reference: – https://www.dimensionengineering.com/info/arduinoContinue Reading

This is a closeup of my Large Arduino Robot w Sabertooth motor controller Compass steering and Bluetooth control with Wheelchair electric motors. This video uses youtube labels which might not be seen with most mobile phones, best viewed using a computer. , https://i.ytimg.com/vi/br18KeNDhw4/hqdefault.jpg sourceContinue Reading

Home-made robot lawn mower. Barbie Jeep + control system + blades & motors. Uses buried wire (electronic dog fence), bumpers, and flaps for navigation. Biased random steering. Transcript: So here’s the world famous pink and green lawn mower. Pink for these wheels — this thing started out life as aContinue Reading