Arduino project – self driving car (tesla inspired)
We made a self driving car with arduino. It was for our school project and tesla was our inspiration. , sourceContinue Reading
We made a self driving car with arduino. It was for our school project and tesla was our inspiration. , sourceContinue Reading
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Questa è la seconda prova del robot che sto costruendo e programmando con Arduino. Il problema principale è che i motori hanno poca coppia e la batteria al piombo fa fatica a comandare il motore brushless che fa girare la lama sottostante. , sourceContinue Reading
Robot car using Arduino Uno & Sabertooth 2 X 12. This video uses the Arduino Uno coupled with a Sabertooth 2X12 to run 2 wheelchair motors in differential drive mode. The Arduino is sending serial data to control both motors, using the free sample code available from dimension engineering. IfContinue Reading
DC motors are commonly used in robotics projects. However, they can not usually be connected directly to the microcontroller, but rather some driver or motor controller must be used. This video shows how to connect a DC motor to the Sabertooth motor controller and control the motor using simple serialContinue Reading Le moteur du fauteuil roulant inventé par Myriam et Paul est composé d’une carte arduino. Mais comment faire pour configurer le pilotage de celui-ci ? Réponse en animation. Twitter : Facebook : , sourceContinue Reading
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Arduino and android bluetooth controlled robot uses and Android app created with the MIT App Inventor program that controls robot movements. It also has an on-board GPS to steer “home” and a compass (hmc5883l magnetometer) for directional control. , sourceContinue Reading