Hier zeige ich wie ich meinen Rasenmäher zu einer ferngesteuerten Variante samt Schneeschild umbaue. Here I show the making of process for the lawn mower and the shnow plower; Weitere Videos: Further vidoes: Weitere Infos zur Technik findet ihr hier: More technical details: http://www.roboternetz.de/community/threads/61964-Rasenm%C3%A4her-und-Schneeschieber sourceContinue Reading

I have a quick introduction for you all to watch. I take a John Deere JS-30(I believe) self propelled lawn mower and rip out the faulty belt-driven drive wheel system(rear-wheel drive). I buy a Hoveround FWD power chair at the pawn shop for $60 plus tax(they said it wouldn’t charge)Continue Reading

This is the instructable instructions for this current sensor https://www.instructables.com/id/Measure-Fuel-Level-With-Arduino/ Similar Sensor: https://www.banggood.com/550mm-Boat-Fuel-Level-Sender-Marine-FuelWater-Level-Gauge-Sensor-240-30ohms-p-1420168.html Please subscribe Codes and more: https://www.facebook.com/groups/324086862371984/?ref=share , https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9kooBWako9I/hqdefault.jpg sourceContinue Reading