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This video shows the build and initial test runs of my latest autonomous boat.
First 13km waypoint mission attempt:

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  1. You shouldn’t have used a low draft flat bottom hull in choppy waters. Look at a sail boat hull with a keel ballast to get way more stability.

  2. Interesting technology but it got me thinking of how long it will be before some cartel uses this concept to build autonomous mini subs to smuggle drugs in from Mexico, Central and South America in 100 kilo loads… Thanks for the video!

  3. Love the concept but as a boat builder the hull design was painful to watch.

  4. The psychotic wing possibly injure because energy macroscopically succeed amongst a bewildered surname. glib, ripe acoustic

  5. Well on container ships the containers are stacked up, and alll the way down into the bilge, so under the sea level

  6. I would have installed a flood pump, just to be on the safe side and have time to react. Also, you should have made the boat wider, that is what gives them upright stability.

  7. 5:00
    "The Whales In the pond are always getting sick God Dammit"
    That just made my day. 🙂

  8. A good effort considering you were just winging the design. I’d like the auto pilot doohickey for my project. Where can I find more info please?

  9. the plane of the hull was all wrong no critique .just trying to help the hull should have been way wider and lower / flatter and you were on to something I'm not sure of the nautical term atm but there is a beam that runs the length of the ship in wartime that's what the opposing side aims at. it will break the back of the ship. Anyway, that is what helps stabilize it. It's normally extremely robust. A ship of that size has assisted centering .form a giant gyroscope and again, fore and aft port and starboard I don't recall the term for the apparatus all of it ran from a ship-wide computer system there is no magic involved it is quite physical. all of it active roll and pitch mitigation

    not sure that would have helped that little foam boat you can't get the hull far enough down in the wake for its buoyancy. It would have been better to skin/laminate a wooden ribbed hull and leaded the mane beam its done in the real world all the time. you could have use foils as well the get her up on the plane be using your Sub motors and let the air motor take over from there.

    after all the experiment was all about the boat learning the brought if I'm no wrong. if not giving the proper environment and constantly coping with the improper inputs without the proper tools to compensate the mission was near impossible it may have had the logic built-in but had no physical means port and starboard fore and aft have impellers to right the ship on course and doc as well with the smaller increments of thrust again all automated. a modern ship nearly pilots its self the captain and wheelhouse crew are just there to monitor the systems to see to is there maintained and in proper working order no ship in the near future will ever be fully autonomous for the sheer expense of automated maintenance no machine can be flawless for a man built it lol so when billions of dollars are on the line you can do the math and see why I'm rite.

    the pacific ocean is so vast it's considered a desert ocean, not body wants that kind of investment floating around in that environment like an itty bitty corck. anyway, after the proper considerations, I'm sure you will get it right it's no something to do on a whim careful planning is involved try starting out on a washtub with a smaller model a toy bathtub boat might inspire you I'm not being smug here if you are bound and determined to start from scratch and I was for the learning alone draw for time-tested method

    good luck bubby

  10. Patreon takes away the livelihood of people they disagree with. Don't use Patreon.

  11. After building a boat I have no idea how boards work had me dead lmfaooooo

  12. Lol, I love how the bananaboat is being shred apart in the comment section

  13. Container ships stack containers deep in the hold and up through the deck, not just on top, lowering the COG. Still amazing to watch them though.

  14. Might help to have the rudder in front of thrust other wise it does very little. The rudder was above the propellers and the part that wasn't it had a cut out

  15. If I were to design a super long range Autonomous Drone Boat. I might consider a modern submarine style, proportion-wise. Incorporating a small sail to hold the strobes, and antenna(s). This would be designed to operate on the surface full time. You would not need the diving planes but you could add them to assist slightly in stability, with not too much drag. The small sail would reduce the resistance to the wind. The "deck" area could be fitted on the inside with flexible solar panels to charge the batteries. Large rectangular portholes could be cut to expose the panels and covered with watertight plexiglass. Batteries could be racked flat and low in the hull. Fish ideally move through the water after millions of years of evolution, that is why I picked a sub shape. It can easily roll, with no damage, and is less likely to pitch pole. If the gear is tightly strapped inside, it will always right itself even in strong winds. I "might" add an Australian style keel (shallow, and long) to allow the boat to better track, once the course is set. Apparently PVC can last up to 50 years in salt water. Some of what would remain would be to calculate the currents, as the wind issue would be almost nil. If you could navigate into the various currents, and use them to your favor, you'd save loads of power.

  16. I think the bottom of the boat needs to come together tapered into V shape and not flat surfaced like it is now. The back end 1/3 might be ok though.

  17. Could have just increase the surface area of the bottom to make it float better

  18. iv built a couple of boats with extruded foam core/fiberglass, Both models and full sized and let me tell you what you need to change (To be blunt)

    1 you used the wrong foam and you prepped it wrong. You really want to use extruded polystyrene without the plastic cover. Also you want to rough up the surface of the foam with course sandpaper so the resin will bite and hold into the foam.

    2 You used the wrong resin, That automotive brand resin will melt foam like gasoline. There are a couple of foam safe resin's out there and I personally prefer RAKA resin.

    3 Make a simple flat bottom skiff with a sealed deck, i'm building a Micro speed boat and at 7ft long by 30" wide it can easily displace 300lbs of weight and is very stable in rough water.

  19. maybe it will be more stable if you turn off the propeller and the motor on the side it rotates. so when it needs to turn, it goes exactly on the desired route.

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